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Essays |
在美国教书:从私立学校到公立学校的文化震撼 | Teaching Chinese in the Inner-City |
永别了,所长! ──追忆李慎之先生 | In Memory of Li Shenzhi |
说东道西:人情与"法" | Feelings and Rules, East and West |
说东道西:纠正意识与维护意识 | Child-rearing, East and West |
说东道西:思想工作和心理咨询 | Talking About Problems, East and West |
日子与栀子花 | Days at Home and the Orchid |
发现另一种人生态度:《世界宗教 》读后 | The World's Religions: A Book Review |
也说《上海宝贝》 | Shanghai Baby: A Book Review |
老师的秘密: 悼念董乐山先生 | Dong Leshan, Chinese Writer |
女佣群像 | Maids: A Group Portrait |
外婆的祭日 | The Day of Sacrifice |
神圣岗位上的一天 | A Day in the Life of a Teacher |
死亡与宗教 | Death and Religion |
大屋里走出的阿秀 | Ahxiu from the Big House |
闲话《闲话中国人》 | On Being Chinese |
湘西的女孩三三 | A Girl Named Sansan |
呜呼哀哉,我的中国! | Alas! My China: A Visit to the Great Wall |
淮河边上有个穷地方 | On the Bank of the River Huai |
童年忆事:思病 | Longing to Be Sick: A Memory of Childhood |