Phlit: A Newsletter on
Philosophy and Literature

Back Issues go to bottom
  1. Tim Gautreaux
  2. Kundera
  3. Alan Watts
  1. Kant
  2. James Van Praagh
  3. Kundera
  1. Shakespeare
  2. Kafka
  3. Crisis of Faith
  1. Zen
  2. Philosophy
  3. Seekonk
  1. Kafka
  2. Nietzsche
  3. Kundera
  1. Murder
  1. Roots
  2. Kübler-Ross
  3. Tagore
  1. Tagore
  2. Lorca
  3. Pessoa
  1. Thoreau
  1. Aphorisms
  2. Who Am I?
  1. Aphorisms
  2. Seven Zen Stories
  1. Aphorisms
  2. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
  1. Two Weeks in England:
    Part I: London & Cambridge
  1. Two Weeks in England:
    Part II: The Cotswolds & Bath
  1. Rumi and Sufism
  2. Aphorisms
  3. The Year 1000
  4. Whitman
    1. Whitman the Mystic
    2. Whitman and Nietzsche
    3. Whitman the Patriot
    4. Whitman and Shakespeare
  1. Mo Luo
  2. Brevity and Sincerity
  3. Jung
  1. Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche
  2. Freud on Aggression
  3. May 16 Discussion:
    Freud and Nietzsche on Morality
  1. Ten Zen Basics
  2. Semper Incipere
  3. A Visit to ULAE
  4. George W. Bush
  1. Dostoyevsky’s The Idiot
  1. Zen and Sexuality
  2. Kierkegaard
  1. Schopenhauer
  2. Nietzsche
  1. September 11
  1. John Edward, Psychic
  2. Aphorisms
  1. Patron Wanted
  2. Mill
  3. Here’s To You
  1. Thoreau
  2. Carlyle
  3. Aphorism
  4. Keats
  1. The Young Intellectual
  2. Ethics: The Search for Universal Standards
  3. “O my prophetic soul!”
  1. Dick Dunn
  2. Sophie’s World
  3. Bernard Lewis
  4. Dreams
  1. Jung
  1. Jung
    1. Jung and God
    2. Jung and Patronage
    3. Jung and Death
    4. Jung and Heraclitus
  2. Aphorism
  3. Help, Please
  1. Do I contradict myself?
  1. Cape Cod
  2. Aphorisms
  3. Publishing and Self-publishing
  1. Joseph Campbell
  1. Ruskin
    1. The Darkening Glass
    2. Ruskin and Rationalism
    3. Ruskin’s Dark Days
  1. Ruskin, Nietzsche and The Idea of Life-Enhancement
  2. Parenting As Life-Enhancing
  3. Berenson: Art As Life-Enhancing
  4. Berenson and Clark
  1. Ibsen
  2. Philanthropy
  3. Crime
  4. Shakespeare
  5. Art History
  6. The Mail Bag
    1. Decadence and Renaissance
    2. Analytic Philosophy
  1. Walter Pater
  2. Aphorisms
  1. The World Behind
    1. Psychic Phenomena
    2. Jung
    3. Physics and Biology
    4. China and India
    5. Synchronicity
    6. Ibsen
    7. Proust
    8. Psychic Phenomena
  2. Closing Comments
    1. Jung
    2. Book Group
    3. A Presentiment
  1. The Power of Thought
  2. Hiking Philosophers
  3. Life- and Death-Instincts
  4. Cancer
  5. The Leadership Disease
  1. The Revolt of the Masses
    1. Joseph Campbell
    2. Ortega y Gasset
    3. Freud
    4. John Stuart Mill
    5. Tocqueville
    6. Nietzsche
    7. Ruskin
    8. Kierkegaard
    9. Riesman: The Lonely Crowd
    10. Flaubert
    11. Kundera
    12. Ibsen
  1. Quiz: Eight Neglected Philosophers
  2. Affirmative Action
  3. Edward C. Banfield
  4. Elie Kedourie
  5. Race in the Humanities
  6. Digital Malice
  7. Quiz Answers
  1. Perceval and I
  2. Affirmative Action
  3. Copyright
  4. Elliott Banfield
  5. American Conservatives
  6. Leo Strauss
  7. Four Ph.D. Projects
  1. Aphorisms
  2. Elie Kedourie:
    The Conservative View of Colonialism
  3. Kedourie on Iraq
  4. Joseph Epstein:
    The Conservative as Man of Letters
  5. Kedourie on the Treason of the Intellectuals
  1. Beowulf
  2. The Song of Hiawatha
  3. Jung on the Battle for Independence
  4. King Arthur and Perceval
  5. The Grail as a Symbol of the Self
  6. Christ and the Self
  7. Jung and the Philosophy of History
  8. Jung and Saddam
  9. Phlit’s Ancestors
  1. Hamlet
  2. Hamlet: D. H. Lawrence’s Interpretation
  3. James Allen and the Power of Thought
  4. G. Wilson Knight on Hamlet
  5. Shakespeare’s Superman
  1. Ahab’s Shadow
  2. My Day in Court
  3. Debate With A Philosophy Professor
  1. John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty
  2. Mutual Arising
  3. E-Literature
  1. John Stuart Mill
  2. Kundera:
    The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
  3. Oxford vs. Stratford
  1. G. Wilson Knight on Shakespeare
    1. The Occult and the Mystical in Shakespeare
    2. Synchronicity in Shakespeare
    3. Shakespeare’s Themes: Hate and Evil
    4. Tolstoy’s Attack on Shakespeare
  1. Early Man
  2. Four Ideals
  3. A Portrait of the Prophet as a Young Man:
    The Autobiography of C. G. Jung
  1. Henry James
  2. Panofsky on Michelangelo
    1. The Archers
    2. The Saturnine and the Jovial
    3. Christian vs. Classical in Michelangelo
    4. Panofsky on Michelangelo: Final Thoughts
  1. Panofsky on Piero di Cosimo
  2. Jung and Reincarnation
  3. Family Feeling in Iraq
  4. Crime Stories
  1. The Hermetic Tradition
  2. Freud on the Occult
  3. Freud on Transference
  1. Bernard Berenson
    1. Sketch for a Self-Portrait
    2. Conversation
    3. Culture
  2. Nietzsche and Self-Cultivation
  3. Nietzsche and Conrad
  1. Unconscious Communication (P-mail)
  2. Emerson
  3. Etc.
  4. The Art of Writing
  5. Kafka
  6. Kafka and Zen
  7. Iraq
  1. North Korea
  2. Tidbits
  3. Shakespeare’s Tempest
  4. Shakespeare and Southampton
  5. A New Biography of Edward de Vere
  6. Joyce
  7. Eulogy for an Irish Nationalist
  1. Macbeth and Jung
  2. Sources of Macbeth
    1. The Darnley Murder
    2. The Coligny Murder
    3. Shakespeare’s Knowledge of Scotland
  3. Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales
    1. The Source of Evil
    2. The First Law of Fairy Tales
    3. Alone in the Mountains: A Jungian Experience
  1. New Edition
  2. Telepathy and the Shadow
  3. By the Way
  4. Socrates Café
  5. Iraq
  1. Psychics
  1. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
    1. The Culture Theme
    2. Godwin on Solitude vs. Society
    3. Locke’s Sensationalism and Frankenstein
    4. Frankenstein on Solitude vs. Society
    5. Godwin’s Opponents: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, etc.
    6. A Freudian View of Frankenstein
This issue is now Chapter 8 of my book Conversations With Great Thinkers.
  1. Gide
  2. Etc.
  3. Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales
  4. Socrates Café
  1. Wanted: Skippers, Dead or Alive
  2. Niall Ferguson
  3. E. M. Forster
    1. Freudian Observations
    2. Forster on Beethoven
  4. By the Way
  5. Science and Philosophy
  1. Ethics, Part I
  2. By the Way
  1. Ethics, Part II
  2. Walden
  1. Religion
  1. A Literary Dispute
  2. Deconstruction
  3. Deconstruction and E. M. Forster
  4. Queer Theory and E. M. Forster
  5. Skepticism
  6. Does Culture Matter?
  7. The Occult in Howards End
  8. Einstein
  1. Modern Physics
    1. Quantum Mechanics, Bell’s Theorem, and Synchronicity
    2. One Inter-Connected World
    3. How Physicists and Philosophers Contradict Themselves
    4. Physics and the Occult
    5. Dancing Energy
    6. Time: How Physicists and Philosophers View Time
    7. Quantum Mechanics and the Philosophy of History
  1. Sundry Thoughts
  2. The Republican Convention
  3. Socrates Café
  4. J. B. Bury
  5. “Asking For It”
    1. Socrates
    2. Oscar Wilde
    3. Kierkegaard
    4. Solzhenitsyn
    5. Faulkner and Frevel
  1. Silent Superiority
  2. Philosophy of History
  3. Jung
  1. Baseball and the Occult
  2. New Edition: Sundry Thoughts
  1. Politics and Philosophy
    1. Atheism and Genocide:
      Nietzsche, Shaw, and Wells
    2. Beyond Atheism: The Political Implications of Zen and Jung
  2. Bush vs. Kerry
  3. Bush’s Defeats
  4. Making Ends Meet
  1. Integrity
  2. Leadership
  3. Great Books
  1. Faulkner
  1. Booknotes
  2. Mark Edmundson
  3. Selling Philosophy
  4. New Edition: Modern Times
  1. Thomas Wolfe
  2. Fate-arranging in Look Homeward, Angel
  3. Fate-arranging: Some Examples
  4. Fate-arranging in Ibsen and Proust
  5. Fate-arranging: A Jungian View
  6. Zen and Jung: A Parallel
  7. Zen and Jung: Another Parallel
  1. Selling Philosophy
  2. Chappaquiddick
  3. Genius and Gender
  4. New Edition: Politics
  1. Chekhov
  2. Jacques Barzun
  3. Tom Wolfe
  4. Milosz
  5. New York City
  6. Edward Shils
  7. Nirad Chaudhuri
  8. Oscar Handlin: A Career at Harvard
  9. Leo Strauss
  10. Political Correctness
  11. Selling Philosophy
  1. Quickies
  2. Isaiah Berlin
  3. Ayn Rand
  4. Basketball and the Occult
  5. Fundamentalist vs. Pentecostal
  1. Cioran
  2. TM (Transcendental Meditation)
  3. Gödel
  1. Movies
  2. Etc.
  1. Oxford vs. Stratford
  2. Boring?
  3. Conservatives, Liberals, and Shakespeare
  4. One Step Higher
  5. Knight on Prince Tudor
  6. Sonnet 105
  7. Ever or Never
  8. Sonnet 76
  9. Truth and Beauty
  10. Sonnet 39
  11. Sonnet 71
  12. The Trial
  13. Sonnet 27
  14. Sonnet 30
  15. The Dark Lady
  16. The Monument
  17. Ridicule
  18. Shakespeare and Goethe
  1. Academic Hoaxes
    1. The Rooter Hoax
    2. The Sokal Hoax
  2. Quickies
  3. A Jungian View of Heart of Darkness
  4. Freedom from the Law: Ethics in Heart of Darkness
  5. Freedom from the Law: Ethics in Hamlet
  6. Zen in the Art of Boxing
  7. Venus and Adonis
    1. The Double Motif in Venus and Adonis
    2. LitSpeak vs. English
    3. Final Comments on Venus and Adonis
  8. The Genius Argument
  1. Miscellanies
  2. Love Virtue, Sin Boldly
  3. The Great Gatsby and The Great Kurtz
  4. Conrad and Joseph Campbell:
    Heart of Darkness As Myth
  5. The Prince Tudor Theory:
    Questions and Answers
  1. The Hermetic Shakespeare
    1. The Celebration of the Everyday
    2. Immortality
    3. Did Shakespeare Have A Religion?
    4. Did Shakespeare Have A Philosophy?
    5. Wholeness
    6. The Occult: Precognition
    7. The Occult: Astrology
    8. The Occult: Telepathy
    9. The Occult: Synchronicity
  1. Quickies
  2. Wikipedia
  3. Harvey Mansfield
  4. Edison Schools
  1. Yates and Hermetism
  2. Yates and Humanism
  3. Yates on pre-Bruno Hermetists
  4. Schopenhauer
  1. John Dewey
  2. Hank Whittemore
  3. The Mailbag:
    National Character and the Occult
  4. Mansfield on Feminists
  1. Perennial Philosophy
  2. Aldous Huxley
  3. Kristol Class
  4. Froude
  1. Socrates
  2. Negative Capability
  3. Mansfield on Presidential Power
  4. Miscellanies
  1. Leo Strauss
    1. Milton Himmelfarb on Strauss
    2. Strauss and Natural Right
    3. Strauss and Religion
    4. Strauss and Politics
  2. Heidegger
  1. Yates on Bruno
    1. Bruno on the Art of Memory
    2. Bruno on Magic
    3. Bruno and Copernicus
    4. Bruno’s New Religion
    5. Bruno’s Philosophy of History
    6. Bruno and the Freemasons
    7. The Death of the Kiss
    8. Bruno and Shakespeare
    9. Bruno’s End
    10. Campanella
    11. Hermetism Under Attack
  1. Manifesto
  2. Quickies
  3. Bradley on Shakespeare
  1. Mark Edmundson
  2. Conrad’s “Secret Sharer”
  3. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 7
  4. Kyoto
  1. Kristols, Neo-conservatives, Iraq, etc.
  2. Selling Philosophy
  3. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 12
  4. Aphorisms
  5. Feedback
  1. E. E. Cummings
  2. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 18
  3. I Am That I Am: Sonnet 121
  4. Thomas Wolfe
    1. The Last Romantic
    2. “Thomas Wolfe and Death”
  1. Quickies
  2. Bernard Lewis
  3. Communist Jokes
  4. Panofsky on Dürer
  5. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 29
  6. Mansfield on Manliness
  1. Panofsky on Dürer
  2. Frazer’s Golden Bough
  3. The Weather
  4. Arthur Koestler
  5. Shakespeare and The Dream of the Red Chamber
  6. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 33
  1. Ten Days In France
    1. Paris
    2. Chartres
    3. À La Recherche de Marcel: A Proustian Pilgrimage
    4. Flight from Châteaudun: Les Touristes Disparue
    5. Paris Retrouvé
  1. Modern Art
  2. Thoreau and The Weekly Standard
  3. The Pope’s Speech
  4. The Pope and The Weekly Standard
  1. Tagore and Tolstoy on Death
  2. Alain de Botton
  3. The Diamond Body:
    Detachment in the Works of Proust, Jung and Wolfe
  4. Spiritual Growth
  5. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 38
  1. Quickies
  2. Andrew Sullivan vs. David Brooks
  3. Jihad Philosophy
    1. Ali Shariati
    2. Sayyid Qutb
  4. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 55
  5. Frazer
  1. Warm-Ups
  2. Hitler
  3. Himmelfarb on Hitler
  4. Gladwell on Accidents
  5. Goering
  6. Proust
    1. Proust and Ruskin
    2. Proust as Impressionist
    3. Homo-sadism
  1. Genocide
  2. The Philosophy of Today
    1. Our Adversaries
    2. The Cult of Genius
    3. Practical Philosophy
    4. Kierkegaard’s Quip
  3. Indonesia
  4. Selling Philosophy
  5. Notes
  1. Ruskin’s Hammers
  2. New Preface
  3. Paired Characters
  4. Hitler and Ibsen
  5. Miscellanies
  1. Pater’s New Religion
  2. Miscellanies
  3. Proust
  4. Hitler’s Silver Hammer
  5. Mutual Arising
  1. Kierkegaard: A Brief Biography
  2. Hitler and Ibsen: An E-mail Exchange
  1. Is Rationalism Conservative Or Liberal?
  2. Kierkegaard and the Philosophy of Today
  3. PEAR: An Obituary
  4. Blink:
    The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
  5. Gentleman and Mudcat:
    Social Class in Huck Finn
  1. The Lives of Others
  2. Books on Biology
  3. Selling Philosophy
  4. A Philosopher’s Notebook
    1. Two Essays by Bernard Lewis
    2. An Essay on the Holocaust
    3. Freedom vs. Law:
      Notes on Whistler, Ruskin, and James
  1. Pet the Lion, Stroke the Snake
  2. Laurens van der Post
  3. Arthur Waley
  4. Jung and the Existence of God
  5. Conscience in Huck Finn
  6. Treasure Island
  1. The Hitler-Ibsen Connection
  1. Shakespeare’s Sonnets
    1. The Monument Theory
    2. Where Theories Come From
    3. Whence the Suffering?
    4. Eleven Sonnet Puzzles
    5. The Sonnet Diary
    6. The Oxford Theory and the Occult:
      A Tale of Two Heresies
    7. An Objection
    8. The Monument Theory
  1. Hotchkiss
  2. Tucker
  3. Nantucket
  4. Mortality
  5. Reading Aloud
  6. John Batchelor
  7. Thich Nhat Hanh
  8. Clausewitz
  9. Miscellaneous
  10. Shakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being
  11. Notes on Proust
  1. My Journey
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Notes on Proust
  4. Ibsen’s Emperor and Galilean
  1. Patronage
  2. To Family, Or Not To Family
  3. Notes on The Tempest
    1. Frances Yates
    2. Wilson Knight
  1. Early Childhood
  2. The World Behind
  3. Stages of Youth: Killing the Snake
  4. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 60
  5. Banfield and Kedourie
  6. Shakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being
  1. The Unabomber’s Manifesto
  1. Dracula
  2. Banfield and Strauss
  3. Huck Finn
    1. “Huck the Thief”
    2. Shakespeare’s Influence on Twain
    3. Conscience in Huck Finn
    4. Twain and Lecky
    5. Huck Discussion
    6. Twain and The French Revolution
    7. Twain and Melville
    8. Miscellaneous
  1. Three Movies
  2. The Secret
  3. The Surge
  4. First Names
  5. Nicholas Negroponte
  6. Lionel Trilling
  7. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 63
  8. Memories of G. Wilson Knight
  9. Miscellaneous
  10. Two Psychiatrists Look at Hamlet
    1. Richard Waugaman
    2. Dinko Podrug
  1. Bring Religion Closer
  2. Meditation
  3. Stuck in a Koan
  4. Three Movies
  5. John Podhoretz vs. The Coens
  6. The Occult
  7. Merlin
  8. Transference
  9. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 71
  1. The Life of the Mind: 7 Nevers
  2. Chocolat
  3. Milosz and Zen
  4. Pakistan
  5. The Titanic
  6. Pundits and Politics
  7. Dracula
  8. Freud and the Occult
  1. Chaudhuri
  2. A Passage to India
    1. Chaudhuri Reacts
    2. Other Critics React
    3. Martin Price Reacts
    4. Laurence Brander Reacts
  3. East and West
  1. Pundits and Politics
  2. Beyond Ethics
  3. Contraries
  4. Approaching the Romantics
  5. Miscellaneous
  6. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 73
  1. The Exorcists
  2. In Sync: A Dialogue
  3. The Moral Order
  4. Dracula
  5. Treasure Island
    1. Robson’s View
    2. Kiely’s View
  6. Miscellaneous
  7. Rationalism in Theology
  8. Jack London
  9. The Art of Memory
  1. Into Great Silence
  2. Twain and Shakespeare
  3. Looney and Shakespeare
  4. Twain on the Jews
  5. Chance or Fate?
  6. Miscellaneous
  7. Dracula
    1. Quest for Wisdom
    2. Stoker, Lavater, etc.
  1. Gordon Wood
  2. American Names
  3. Shakespeare’s Treason
  4. Selling Philosophy
  5. Neocon Fallacies
  6. Innisfree
  7. Crossing Brooklyn Ferry
  8. White Fang
  9. Panofsky
  10. R. H. Blyth
  1. Hemingway’s Grinder
  2. Distant Wisdom
  3. Jung
  4. Leo Strauss and His Disciples
  5. Von Franz
  6. Thomas Wolfe
  7. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 81
  1. Hemingway
  2. Thomas Wolfe
  3. Faulkner
  4. E. M. Forster
  5. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 98
  6. Von Franz on Fairy Tales
  7. Closing Comments
  1. Hemingway
    1. “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”
    2. “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”
    3. “The Killers”
    4. The Old Man and the Sea
    5. “In Another Country”
    6. “Fifty Grand”
    7. “A Way You’ll Never Be”
  1. Variations On A Theme From Confucius
  2. Seven Brothers, One Worldview
  3. Waterville Valley
  4. Miscellanies
  5. The Straussian School
  6. The Variety of Life
  7. Books on Biology
  8. Selling Philosophy
  1. Pablo and the Postman
  2. Visions
  3. Henry Adams
  4. Henry James
  5. American Critics
  6. Bernard Berenson
  7. Parker and Percy
  1. Not 51
  2. The Inca Trail
  3. American Historians
  4. Solzhenitsyn and Strauss
  5. Miscellaneous
  1. Movies
  2. Palin
  3. The Human Body, etc.
  4. Selling Philosophy
  5. Not 51
    1. Chemo Testing: Weisenthal, etc.
    2. Alternative Medicine vs.
      Establishment Medicine
    3. An Herbalist’s Essay
  1. Killer Stress
  2. Not 51
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. Boulder Prose
  5. Disciples of Freud and Jung
  6. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 102
  1. Reagan
  2. Trails and Travels:
    Boston, The Newburys, and The Cumberland Gap
  3. Panofsky on Durer
  4. The Wisdom of the Body
  5. Not 51
  1. Selling Philosophy and Studying Biology
  2. The Wisdom of the Body
  3. A Dictionary of Political Platitudes
  4. Crumby Closing Comments
  1. Philip Rahv and T. S. Eliot
  2. F. R. Leavis
  3. D. H. Lawrence
  1. Yankee Zen
  2. The Wisdom of the Body
  3. Organ Harvesting
  1. Time for a Renaissance?
  2. Anticipations
  3. Trails and Travels
  4. Introducing Kafka
  5. The Mail Bag
  6. Steven Pinker
  7. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 104
  8. Appendix: Walter Benjamin and Wilhelm Reich
  1. Slumdog Millionaire
  2. Chimney Sweeps
  3. Not 51
  4. Miscellanies
  5. The Wisdom of the Body
  1. Miscellaneous
  2. Kristol Column
  3. Jack Kerouac
  4. D. H. Lawrence
    1. General Remarks
    2. Willed Death
    3. Synchronicity in “The Fox”
    4. The Evil Eye
    5. Hunting and The Occult
    6. Transference in “The Fox”
    7. Critics on “The Fox”
    8. The Conclusion of “The Fox”
    9. Lawrence and Zen
    10. “The Fox” As Love Story
    11. “The Rocking-Horse Winner”
    12. “England, My England”
    13. “The Captain’s Doll”
    14. “Odour of Chrysanthemums”
    15. The Lawrence Controversy
    16. Concluding Remarks
    17. The Mail Bag: “England, My England”
  1. Culture Comets
  2. Science Books
  3. Bill Bryson and The Anecdotes
  4. Not 51
  5. Digital Shorthand
  6. Lovejoy on “The Great Chain of Being”
    1. Plato
    2. Aristotle
    3. Plotinus
  1. Spengler and the Second Law
  2. Bryson’s Short History
    1. Anecdotes
    2. The Wegener Theory
    3. The Alvarez Theory
    4. Yellowstone
  3. Actions and Reactions
  1. Science Books
  2. Lovejoy on “The Great Chain of Being”
    1. Medieval Philosophy
    2. Worlds Without End
  3. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 116
  1. The Caribbean: An Introduction
  2. Chickens and Eggs
  3. Lovejoy on “The Great Chain of Being”
    1. Leibniz
    2. Spinoza
    3. 18th-Century Thinkers
  1. Dad
  2. Canis Cani Lupus
  3. NetBooks and AirCards
  4. Bryson’s Short History
    1. Darwin
    2. Smart Matter
    3. Cells
    4. The Great American Interchange
  1. David Brooks on “The End of Philosophy”
  2. Lionel Trilling
  3. Lovejoy on “The Great Chain of Being”
    1. From Static Chain to Evolving Chain
    2. Enlightenment Uniformity and Romantic Diversity
    3. The Romantic Period: Schelling
    4. The Romantic Period: Schiller
    5. Joseph Campbell on Life as Play
    6. Conclusion
  1. Miscellaneous
  2. A Week in Saint Martin
  3. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 126
  1. Poe
    1. General Remarks
    2. “The Fall of The House of Usher”
    3. “Ligeia”
  1. Hard Times
    1. Self-injury, Incest, and Sexual Abuse
    2. Irony and Sophistication
    3. Shaw
    4. Leavis
    5. Ruskin
    6. General Remarks
  2. A Christmas Carol
  3. Stefan Zweig on Dickens
  1. Asimov
  2. Other Sci-Fi Writers
  3. Robert Goddard, Rocket Man
  1. Asimov
  2. Mysteries and Catholics:
    Remarks on Some Modern Writers
    1. Rex Stout
    2. Wodehouse
    3. Evelyn Waugh
    4. Chesterton
    5. Hilaire Belloc
    6. Graham Greene
    7. Maugham
    8. John Galsworthy
  3. Teddy Roosevelt and the Parks
  4. Miscellaneous
  5. Dickens’ Influence On Dostoevsky
  1. Franklin Chang-Diaz, Rocket Man
  2. Asimov
  3. Causes of Cancer
  4. Not 51
  5. Selling Philosophy
  6. Health Care in China
  7. Afghanistan
  8. Nantucket
    1. Sconset Architecture
    2. Nantucket’s Meridian Stones
    3. A Tourist on Nantucket
    4. Architecture Terms
  1. Life After Death
  2. Selling Philosophy
  3. Holmes and Howells
  4. Irving Kristol
  5. Vitalism
  6. Alternative Biology
  7. Miscellaneous
  8. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 130
  1. Yafei
  1. Realms of Gold: Criticism and Defense
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Louis Menand on American Academia
  4. Samuel Johnson
  5. Luttwak on Strategy
  1. Buy, Sell, Hold:
    An Investor’s Guide to Literature
  2. John Muir
  1. Kierkegaard and the Diamond Body
  2. Nietzsche and the Death of God
  3. Fifteen Minutes of Fame
  4. Atul Gawande on American Health-Care
  1. Miscellaneous
  2. Eric Rohmer
  3. J. D. Salinger
  4. Louis Auchincloss
  5. Boston
    1. Trinity Church
    2. Boston Public Library
    3. Walking Boston
  1. Mark Lilla and The Straussian School
  2. Tibetan Wisdom
    1. Introduction
    2. The Wisdom of Being Unprepared
    3. Attachment and Detachment
    4. The Art of Dying
    5. Bardos and the Near-Death Experience
    6. Meditation
    7. Inter-Connectedness
    8. Enlightenment
    9. Reincarnation and Karma
  1. Isaac Bashevis Singer
  2. A Caribbean Cruise
  3. Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits: Sonnet 148
  1. Asimov
  2. Hans Eysenck
  3. The Tipping Point
  4. Johan Norberg
  5. The Mail Bag
  6. Trails and Travels
    1. Providence and Environs
    2. Rhode Island Bike-Paths
  1. The Big Short:
    Booms, Busts, and Black Swans
    1. Michael Lewis
    2. Kaufman and Buffett
    3. Nassim Taleb
    4. Business Books
    5. John Kenneth Galbraith
  2. Selling Philosophy
  1. Pronouns and Patriarchy
  2. Hardy’s Far from the Madding Crowd
  3. Pushkin
    1. “The Queen of Spades”
    2. “The Captain’s Daughter”
  4. Psi Stuff
  1. Thoreau
  1. Everything is Connected
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Tocqueville
  4. Raghuram Rajan
  1. The Tao of Physics (Part 1)
    1. Western Dualism, Eastern Monism
    2. Buddhism
    3. Taoism and the Dialectic
    4. Taoism and Nietzsche
    5. Taoism and Natural Morality
    6. Lao Zi and Heraclitus
    7. Taoism and Analytic Philosophy
    8. Taoism and Soft Primitivism
    9. Capra on Zen
  2. Travel Plans
  1. The Tao of Physics (Part 2)
  2. Trails and Travels Near Boston
  3. Charles River Rambles
  1. Two Weeks in Prague and Germany (Part 1)
    1. Prague
    2. Dresden
  1. Two Weeks in Prague and Germany (Part 2)
    1. Naumburg
    2. Berlin
  2. Hans Kohn and John Lukacs
  3. Cloud Computing
  4. Facebook
  5. Saul Alinsky
  1. Sons and Lovers:
    Death of Love, by Love, for Love
  2. The Tao of Physics (part 3)
  1. Isaak Babel
  2. Dean Radin
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. Shakespeare and Goethe
  1. Bert and Jessie
    1. Willey Farm
    2. Jessie
    3. Books
    4. The Occult
    5. The Demonic
    6. Philosophy/Religion
    7. Willed Death
    8. Happiness
    9. Marriage
    10. Conclusion
  2. Kazin on Sons and Lovers
  3. Some Victorian Writers
    1. George Borrow
    2. Arnold Bennett
    3. Ford Madox Ford
  1. George Orwell
  2. Hinduism
  3. The Ascent of Money
  4. Miscellaneous
  5. Selling Philosophy
  1. Miscellaneous
  2. “Secrets of the Dead”
  3. Dos Passos
  4. Sinclair Lewis
  5. Buddhism
    1. Original Buddhism
    2. The Four Noble Truths
    3. Nirvana, Anatta, Anicca
    4. Buddhist Sects
    5. Zen
    6. Tibetan Buddhism
  6. Books on Buddhism
  1. Melville
  2. ESP
  3. Confucianism
  1. American Writers
    1. Washington Irving
    2. James Fenimore Cooper
    3. Hawthorne
    4. Longfellow
    5. Mark Twain
    6. Melville
  2. Melville and Balzac
  1. Movies
  2. Robert Kagan
  3. Melville
  4. Taoism
  1. Good Will Hunting
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. David Brooks and the
    Philosophy of Today
  4. Islam
  5. Idries Shah
  1. Bin Laden
  2. Dollars and Deficits
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. Thumbs Down
  1. Bin Laden and Nietzsche
  2. Wars
  3. Quickies
  4. David Brooks
  5. Judaism
  1. David McCullough
  2. Mike Daisey
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. Christianity
  1. Basketball Junkie
  2. Movies
  3. Werner Herzog
  4. Primitive Religion
  5. The World’s Religions: Final Thoughts
  1. Miscellaneous
  2. Syria
  3. Movies
  4. Yogi Amrit Desai
  5. David Brooks on the Modern Intellectual
  6. George Steiner
  1. Facts Are Squishy Things
  2. Rick Perry
  3. Larry Dossey
  4. Murder on the Orient Express
  5. Miscellaneous
  1. Socrates
  2. A Walk in the Woods
  3. Sonnet 136: An E-mail Debate
  1. Mysteries
    1. Chesterton
    2. Dorothy Sayers
    3. John D. MacDonald
      and the Hard-Boiled School
    4. Rex Stout
    5. Donald Westlake
    6. Other Contemporary Writers
  2. P. G. Wodehouse
  3. Vivekananda
  4. Movies
  1. Adams and Jefferson
  2. Joseph Bottum
  3. Tat Tvam Asi
  4. Miscellaneous
  5. Movies
  1. The Penn State Scandal
  2. Sholem Aleichem
  3. Kissinger and Kennan
  4. Anonymous
  5. Roger Martin
  6. Three Predictions About the Euro
    1. Nouriel Roubini
    2. Bernard Connolly
    3. Milton Friedman
  1. An “Accident”
  2. Chris Herren
  3. The Penn State Scandal
  4. Movies
  5. Edinger on Moby Dick
  1. Europe’s Catholic-Protestant Split
  2. Sikhs
  3. The Ivy League
  4. Tippers and Payers
  5. Gingrich
  6. Amazon
  7. Chesterfield
  8. Moby Dick Criticism
    1. Lawrence
    2. Leonard Woolf
    3. Charles Olson
    4. William Ellery Sedgwick
    5. Warner Berthoff
    6. Melville’s Doubloon and Homer’s Shield
    7. Final Thoughts
  1. Hoop Dreams
  2. Other Movies
  3. Fall River Dreams
  4. Moby Dick Marathon
  5. Miscellaneous
  6. Turkey
  1. The Philosophy of Today
  2. Blindsight
  3. Restrepo
  4. Roger Kimball
  5. Coming Apart
  6. Tocqueville and Public Opinion
  7. “The Age of Big Data”
  1. Bookstore Talk
  2. Philosophy By Another Name
  3. “The Evolution of Despair”
  4. Miscellaneous
  5. Movies
  1. Kipling
    1. Summary
    2. A Strange Ride
    3. “The Mark of the Beast”
    4. The Light That Failed
    5. Vermont
    6. Leon Edel
    7. Kipling and Rider Haggard
    8. Kim
      1. Chaudhuri
      2. Irving Howe
      3. The Lama
      4. J. M. S. Tompkins
      5. Kim in Historical Context
      6. Charles Carrington
    9. “The Man Who Would Be King”
    10. Three Late Stories
    11. Kipling and Hemingway
    12. “Without Benefit of Clergy”
    13. Kipling and Arthur Conan Doyle
    14. Kipling As A Sociologist
    15. A Triangle and a Quadrilateral
    16. Finis
  2. Durkheim
  1. Constellations
  2. Allan Bloom
  3. Paper and Printing
  4. Amazon
  5. Movies
  6. Andrew Skurka
  7. Civil Society and Broken Windows
  8. Brooks vs. Obama
  1. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  2. Basketball Junkie
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. New Age Writers and Paranormal Peas
  1. The Retreat to Antiquity
  2. Cycling in New York City
  3. New York Rambles
  4. The Skirts of the City
  5. Historical Asides
  1. New York Bridges
  1. A Contemporary Jesus?
  2. Romney and Ryan
  3. Thomas Browne
  4. Some Non-Fiction Writers
  5. Match Point
  6. Faulkner
  1. What Does “Love” Mean?
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Richard III
  4. Autism
  5. New York City
  6. Jessica Mitford
  1. John O’Neill: The Man Who Knew
  2. Emerson
  3. Debates
  4. Civil Society
  5. Bike Sharing and Car Sharing
  6. Alzheimer’s
  7. Astrology
  1. Trails and Travels
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Literary Websites
  4. Romney-Ryan
  5. Raymond Chandler
  1. Ten Christian Scenes
  2. The Election
  3. Demographic Trends
  4. The Death of Love, and How to Prevent It
  1. Miscellaneous
  2. Notes on Churchill
  3. Martin Gilbert
  4. Escape From Auschwitz
  5. William Manchester
  6. Robert Conquest
  7. Joseph Roth
  8. Lewis Namier
  1. The Newtown Shooting
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. Appeasement
  4. John Lukacs
    1. General Remarks
    2. Lukacs on Hitler
  5. Andrew Roberts
  6. Niall Ferguson
  7. Tolkien and World War II
  1. Blitzkrieg
  2. Orwell on Language
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. The Stress-Disease Connection
  5. Dieter Dengler
  6. Harry Markopolos: The Man Who Knew
  1. Jeffrey Meyers on Orwell
  2. Veronica Wedgwood and Christopher Hill
  3. George Gissing
  4. J. B. Priestley
  5. Ten More Christian Scenes
  6. Miscellaneous
  1. Synchronicity
  2. Rebecca West
  3. Robert D. Kaplan
  1. Nietzsche’s Sources
  2. Clash of Historians: Kedourie Versus Toynbee
  3. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  4. Epictetus
  5. Beautiful Evidence
  6. The Mail Bag
  1. Pride and Prejudice
    1. General Remarks
    2. An English Epictetus
    3. Critical Essays
  2. F. R. Leavis on Early English Novelists
  3. The Brothers Powys
  4. Amazon’s Kindle Tablet
  5. Miscellaneous
  6. Ten Christian Scenes (Part III)
  1. Miscellaneous
  2. Dogging Steinbeck
  3. The Civil War
  4. Jury Duty
  5. The Boston Marathon Bombings
  6. Raymond Carver
  1. Natural Morality
  2. The Human Web
  3. The Civil War
    1. Killer Angels
    2. Civil War Literature
  4. Carl Sandburg
  5. Miscellaneous
  6. The Humanities Today
  1. Schopenhauer’s Porcupines
  2. I Love You
  3. E=mc2
  4. Chinua Achebe
  5. Harry Jaffa
  6. Miscellaneous
  7. One Canticle and Two Crichtons
  1. American Wars
  2. Alistair Horne and Peter Ackroyd
  3. Alan Seeger
  4. What A Writer Offers A Woman
  5. Jorge Carrera Andrade
  6. Commas
  7. Catherine Drinker Bowen
  8. Miscellaneous
  9. Maine
  1. Miscellaneous
  2. Erich Heller on Goethe
  1. Some Literary Critics
  2. Poe
    1. Mesmerism
    2. “The Black Cat”
    3. “The Purloined Letter”
    4. “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”
  3. Balzac
  1. Horror/Fantasy
    1. Lovecraft
    2. Clark Ashton Smith
    3. Lord Dunsany
    4. Montague Rhodes James
    5. Arthur Machen
    6. Algernon Blackwood
  2. Ten Christian Scenes (Part IV)
  1. Weird Writers
  2. Writing Advice
  3. Donald Kagan on Ancient Greece
  4. Cloud-hidden, Whereabouts Unknown
  5. Miscellaneous
  6. Harold Nicolson
  7. An Apology for Idlers
  1. Philosophy Videos
  2. The Double-Slit Experiment
  3. Greatrakes and Stubbe
  4. Miscellaneous
  5. The Architecture of Happiness
  1. Miscellaneous
  2. Railroad Stations: Penn and Grand Central
  3. The Disappearance of Flight 370
  4. Social Scientists
  5. Cicero on Divination
  6. Heidegger
  1. Jane Jacobs
  2. Morrone, Reed, and Lancaster
  3. Lewis Mumford
  4. Brooklyn Highlights
    1. Brooklyn Bridge Park
    2. Brooklyn Heights Promenade
    3. Plymouth Church
    4. College Place
    5. Brooklyn Historical Society
    6. 151 Willow Street
    7. Thomas Wolfe residence
    8. Borough Hall
    9. Fulton Mall
    10. MetroTech
    11. Fort Greene Park
    12. Pratt Mansions
    13. Pratt Institute
    14. Brooklyn Academy of Music
    15. Williamsburgh Savings Bank
    16. Barclays Center
    17. Cobble Hill
    18. Boerum Hill
    19. Carroll Gardens
    20. Carroll Street Bridge
    21. The Montauk Club, Park Slope
    22. Grand Army Plaza
    23. Brooklyn Museum
    24. Brooklyn Botanic Garden
    25. Prospect Park
    26. Green-Wood Cemetery
  5. Terrence Malick
  6. Miscellaneous
  7. Premonitions
  1. The Fourth of July
  2. Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural
  3. Lectures in Providence
    1. Grandin on “Benito Cereno”
    2. Blanding on Map Theft
    3. Kulikowski on Late Antiquity
    4. Lesser on Shakespeare Texts
    5. Crabtree on William Rotch
    6. Bell on Charisma
    7. Ferreiro on the American Revolution
    8. Abulafia on Atlantic Islands
    9. Mancall on Monsters
    10. Spero on Black Boys
  4. Rostovtzeff on Roman History
  1. Rostovtzeff
    1. Momigliano on Rostovtzeff
    2. Bowersock on Rostovtzeff
    3. Rostovtzeff on the Roman Empire
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Eugene O’Neill
  4. Tennessee Williams
  5. Summer Pics
  1. Sam Watkins, Confederate Private
  2. The Messingers
  3. Momigliano on Modern Historians
  4. Thucydides on the Causes of War
  1. Williamsburg, Brooklyn
  2. A Walking Tour of Williamsburg
    1. Equestrian Statue of Washington
    2. Ukrainian Church
    3. Church of the Annunciation
    4. Convent, Now Condominium
    5. St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church
    6. Manufacturers Trust Company
    7. Grand Ferry Park
    8. Domino Sugar
    9. W. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
    10. f. Most Holy Trinity Church
  1. Moxley Sorrel, Confederate Officer
    1. Longstreet
    2. Grant
    3. Lee
    4. Jackson
    5. Davis
    6. Alexander
  2. Miscellaneous
  1. Wes Anderson
  2. “Owl Creek”
  3. Dubus and Driving Dilemmas
  4. Borges
  5. Understanding Fiction
  6. Carson McCullers
  7. Flannery’s Misfit
  1. The Election
  2. Quantum Entanglement
  3. Larsons
  1. Pinker vs. Wieseltier or,
    The Scientist vs. The Humanist
  2. Ancient Rome
  3. Stoner
  1. Ancient Rome
    1. Warfare
    2. Politics
    3. Foreign Affairs
    4. The First Punic War
    5. Sources
    6. A Pattern of Expansion
    7. The Second Punic War
    8. The Third Punic War
  2. Digital Classics
  1. Appointment in Samarra
  2. John O’Hara
  3. Ancient Rome
    1. Rome’s Wars with the Macedonians
    2. Rome’s Wars in the Near East
    3. Roman Slings
  4. Silver Linings Playbook
  5. Space Films
  6. Miscellaneous
  7. Modern Russian Writers
  1. Spies
    1. St John Philby
    2. The Cambridge Five
    3. Robert Hanssen
    4. Aldrich Ames
    5. Spy Literature
  2. Graham Greene
  3. The Play Call
  1. Netanyahu
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. The Third Man
  4. Ancient Rome
    1. The Provinces
    2. Domestic Politics
    3. Roman Society 200 BC to 100 BC
  5. Bernard Bailyn
  6. Schlesingers
  1. Taxi Driver
  2. Intentional Crashes
  3. Ancient Rome
    1. The Gracchi
    2. War With Jugurtha
    3. War With Northmen
    4. Domestic Discord
    5. The Italian War
    6. Civil War: Marius vs. Sulla
  4. Miscellaneous
  5. Churchill and the Lusitania
  1. Ancient Rome
    1. War With Mithridates
    2. Civil War: Sulla vs. Carbo
    3. Sulla’s Dictatorship
    4. Lepidus
    5. Sertorius
    6. Spartacus
    7. Pompey Takes Charge
    8. Cicero and Catiline
    9. The First Triumvirate
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Ken Burns and Geoffrey Ward
  1. Ancient Rome:
    The Eastern Campaigns of
    Lucullus, Pompey, and Crassus
    1. Pirates
    2. The Third Mithridatic War
    3. The Armenian War
    4. Pompey’s Eastern Campaign
    5. The Battle of Carrhae
  2. Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul
  3. Street Fights: Clodius vs. Milo
  4. Breakdown of the Triumvirate
  5. Miscellaneous
  6. Bai Juyi
  7. Kafka
  1. Ancient Rome
    1. Civil War: Caesar vs. Pompey
    2. Caesar’s Domestic Reforms
    3. Foreign Affairs
    4. The Ides of March
    5. An Uneasy Peace
    6. Cicero’s Philippics Against Antony
    7. The Second Triumvirate
    8. The Battle of Philippi
    9. Tensions in the Triumvirate
    10. War With Sextus Pompeius
    11. Antony and Cleopatra
  1. Bukowski
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Vietnam and Watergate
  1. Ancient Rome in the 1st Century BC
    1. Society and Economy
    2. Culture
    3. Augustus
    4. Buildings
    5. Morality and Religion
  1. Miscellaneous
  2. Spalding Gray
  3. Truman
  4. Ancient Rome: Augustus
    1. The Danube Region
    2. Western Europe
    3. Africa and the Near East
    4. The Army
    5. The Provinces
    6. The Treasury
    7. The Succession
  1. Ancient Rome
    1. Tiberius
    2. Caligula
    3. Claudius
    4. Nero
    5. Government Institutions
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Rhode Island History
    1. Ann & Hope
    2. Berkshire Hathaway
  1. Michael J. Lewis on Modern Art
  2. H. W. Brands
  3. Ancient Rome
    1. The Jewish Rebellion
    2. Armenia and Parthia
    3. The Danube Border
    4. Britain
    5. Agriculture
    6. Trade
    7. Culture
    8. Religion
  1. Marx and the Power of Ideas
  2. The Founding Fathers and the Melting Pot
  3. Bukowski’s Mentors
    1. John Fante
    2. William Saroyan
    3. Robinson Jeffers
  4. Ancient Rome
    1. The Year of the Four Emperors
    2. The Revolts of Civilis and Classicus
    3. The Flavian Dynasty
    4. Britain
    5. The Rhine Frontier
    6. The Danube Frontier
    7. Opposition to the Flavians
  1. The Oregon Shooting
  2. The Trump Phenomenon, Part I
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. E. M. Forster
    1. War and Industrialization
    2. Modern Psychology
    3. Lawrence of Arabia
    4. Siegfried Sassoon
    5. Rose Macaulay
    6. Two Tendencies in Modern Literature
  5. Literary Videos
  6. Some Authors of The God That Failed
    1. Louis Fischer
    2. Ignazio Silone
    3. Stephen Spender (and Rex Warner)
  7. The Leopard and The Gadfly
  8. The Sitwells
  9. Samuel Butler
  10. V. S. Pritchett
  11. Compton Mackenzie
  1. The Armenian Genocide
  2. James Thomas Flexner
  3. Ancient Rome
    1. The Five Good Emperors
    2. Trajan
    3. Jewish Revolts
    4. Hadrian
    5. The Antonines
    6. Domestic Affairs
  4. Miscellaneous
  1. Russian Writers
    1. Vasily Grossman
    2. Sholokhov
    3. Bulgakov
    4. Platonov
    5. Ilya Ehrenburg
    6. Pasternak
    7. Marina Tsvetaeva
    8. Anna Akhmatova
    9. Joseph Brodsky
    10. Yevgeny Yevtushenko
  1. Connections and Cycles
  2. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
  3. Russian Icons
  1. The Evolution of a Cell
  2. Islam and Violence
  3. The Death of Culture?
  1. Ireland
    1. Parnell
    2. Michael Collins
    3. James Joyce
    4. George Moore
    5. Yeats
    6. Other Irish Writers
    7. Thomas Keneally
    8. Conor Cruise O’Brien
  1. The Roman Empire c. 125 AD
    1. Economy and Society
    2. Literature
    3. Philosophy and Religion
    4. Christianity
  2. Owen Chadwick
  3. G. M. Trevelyan
  4. Lord Acton
  5. Movies
  1. Ancient Rome
    1. Commodus and the Severi:
      180 AD to 235 AD
    2. The Crisis of the Third Century:
      235 AD to 284 AD
  1. Ancient Rome
    1. Diocletian
    2. Constantine
  2. The Trump Phenomenon, Part II
  3. Miscellaneous
  1. Ancient Rome: The Final Phase
    1. Architecture
    2. Literature
    3. Religion
    4. Conclusion
  1. Paul Cantor
  2. Cervantes and Shakespeare on Chivalry
  3. Cantor on Popular Culture
  4. Ill Met By Moonlight
  5. Batteries, Generators, and Electric Cars
  6. Six Medievalists
  7. Miscellaneous
  1. Four Ways of Making Decisions
  2. Iraq and Vietnam
  3. Al-Qaeda and ISIS
  4. Three Articles on the Contemporary World
    1. Kaplan’s “Coming Anarchy”
    2. Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations”
    3. Fukuyama’s “End of History”
  5. John Mearsheimer
  6. Islam and Violence, Part 2
  1. The End
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Hawthorne
  4. Mansfield and Strauss
  1. Miscellaneous
  2. A Forged Papyrus
  3. The Alexander Technique
  4. Aldous Huxley
  5. Bernie Sanders
  6. Graham Greene and Our Man in Havana
    1. General Remarks
    2. Greene’s Politics
    3. Greene’s Childhood
    4. Castro
    5. Scattered Observations
    6. Casablanca
  1. The Problem of Evil
  2. Three Leaps
    1. The Leap Over Space
    2. The Leap Over Time
    3. The Leap Over Causality
  3. Update on Causality
  4. Miscellaneous
  5. Ibsen and Hitler: A Connection Discovered
  6. The Hobbit and the Jews
  7. Selling Philosophy
  1. Charles Sanders Peirce
    1. Deduction, Induction, and Abduction
    2. A Sketch of Peirce’s Life
    3. Peirce and Descartes
  2. Elena Ferrante
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. Nikos Kazantzakis
  5. Suicide and Terrorism
  1. Travel Writing
  2. Donald Trump: A Dialogue
  3. Election Predictions
    1. Allan Lichtman
    2. Nate Silver
  4. Elizabethan Goals
  1. Edmund Burke
  2. Contemporary Culture
  3. Contemporary Faith
  4. Election Analysis
  5. Election Predictions
    1. Helmut Norpoth
    2. Michael Moore
    3. Richard Rorty
  6. The Roots of Trump
  1. Sugar Ray’s Dream
  2. Raging Bull
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. Giving Back: A Dialogue
  5. PizzaGate and Pythagoras
  1. Eliot, Pound, Lewis
    1. Introduction
    2. Wyndham Lewis
    3. T. S. Eliot
    4. Ezra Pound
  1. Dana Gioia
    1. Introduction
    2. The Decline of Poetry
    3. What Poetry Once Was
    4. On Bukowski
    5. At the NEA
  2. Ten Poetry Readings (Youtube)
  3. Ruskin
  1. Philip Howard
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Movies
  4. Selling Philosophy
  5. The Shakespeare Controversy
  6. Ten Poetry Readings
  1. W. Somerset Maugham
    1. General Remarks
    2. “The Outstation”
    3. “Mackintosh”
    4. “Lord Mountdrago”
    5. “Gigolo and Gigolette”
    6. “The Letter”
    7. “The Unconquered”
    8. “Rain”
    9. “The Bum”
    10. The Razor’s Edge
    11. Maugham’s Critics
    12. Concluding Remarks
  1. Existentialism
  2. Maugham’s Philosophy
  3. Of Human Bondage
  4. E. D. Hirsch
  5. Fitzgerald in Westport
  1. Ohio or California?
  2. American Decline
  3. Michael Sandel and Democracy’s Discontent
  4. Miscellaneous
  5. Movies
  6. Ten Poetry Readings
  1. Salinger in Westport
  2. Salinger’s Mysticism
  3. Hegel’s Relativity
  4. Julius Evola
  5. Selling Philosophy
  1. The Great Gatsby
    1. The Breaking Point
    2. Fortune’s Wheel
    3. Lost Illusions
    4. Car Accidents
    5. Weak Ego
    6. The Fitzgerald Theme
    7. The James-Wells Debate
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Crime
  4. Peter Ackerman
  1. Darwin Was A Slacker
  2. The Mesmerist
  3. The Existence of God
  4. Banfield on Welfare
  1. Richard Taylor, Confederate General
  2. Lincoln
  3. Byron
  4. Ronald Bodley and Gertrude Bell
  5. Westerns
  1. The Sublime
    1. Longinus
    2. The Romantic Sublime and
      the Abstract Sublime
  2. Confederate Statues
  3. Universal Basic Income
  1. Bill W.
  2. Vietnam
  3. Movies
  4. Lewis Namier
    1. “Trotsky”
    2. “The European Situation”
    3. “President Masaryk”
  5. Leo Strauss
  6. Miscellaneous
  1. Bowling Alone
  2. Killing Alone
  3. Finding Connection
  4. Alan Jacobs and Group-think
  5. Gordon Wood
  1. Presentiments
  2. Atheism and Murder
  3. Putin
  4. Momigliano, Miller, and Antiquarianism
  1. A Dialogue
  2. Gettysburg
  3. Sex Scandals
  4. Movies
  5. Holmes and Banfield
  1. Frevel
  2. A Room With A View
  3. Brander on A Room With A View
  4. Forster and Lawrence
  5. Daniel Pink
  1. Organics vs. Mechanics
  2. Rupert Sheldrake
  3. Grant’s Memoirs
  4. Into the Amazon
  1. Books
  2. Jordan Peterson
  3. Lincoln and Marx
  4. Digital Shorthand
  1. Advice For A Young Academic
  2. Against Method: Feyerabend and Koyré
  3. Hernando de Soto
  4. A Dialogue
  5. Lead Us Not Into Temptation
  1. The War in Burma
    1. Fraser
    2. The Chindits
    3. Aung San
  2. Shakespeare in Burma
  3. Mountbatten
  4. Unconditional Surrender
  5. Miscellaneous
  1. Chappaquiddick
  2. Shakespeare in the Literature of His Time
    1. Tilting Under Frieries
    2. Weever’s Epigrams
    3. The Penelope Theory
    4. Covell’s Polimanteia
    5. Willobie His Avisa
    6. Marston’s Pygmalion
    7. The First Folio
    8. Conclusion
  1. Burden of Proof
  2. The Intellectual Dark Web
  3. The Golden State Killer
  4. William McDougall
  5. Penelope Fitzgerald
  6. Naval History
  7. Miscellaneous
  1. Fifth Business
  2. Philip Roth and the Whale
  3. Fate and Freedom
  4. Trump
  5. Selling Philosophy
  6. Meditation and Motivation
  1. A Time of Gifts
  2. The Library Angel
  3. Physiognomy
  4. Mindfulness
  5. Miscellaneous
  6. Evil
  7. Political Novels
  1. A Time of Gifts
  2. Movies, TV
  3. Miscellaneous
  1. The Kavanaugh Confirmation
  2. Miscellaneous
  1. A Fox-Hunting Man
  2. Bill James
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. The Pluckrose Hoax
  1. Chess in Iceland
  2. Our Task
  3. Charles Fort
  4. War or Peace?
  5. Owen and Sassoon
  6. Paradigms
  7. Movies
  8. The French and Indian War
  1. Birth Order
  2. Word Roots
  3. The Scarlet Letter
    1. The Kinship of Love and Hate
    2. Black Magic
    3. Hester Hutchinson?
    4. Proust Contre Sainte-Beuve
    5. A New Bible For A New World
  4. War or Peace?
  5. Serial Killers
  6. Fauda
  1. Blair on Natural Philosophy
  2. Refined Aggression
  3. The Good Life
  4. Modern Faith
  5. Momigliano on Antiquarianism
  1. The Fourth T
    1. Templars and Masons
    2. The Sonnet Dedication
    3. The Grid
  1. The Origin of Ideas
  2. Charles Fort and Continuity
  3. Shame, Guilt
  1. Heisenberg on Philosophy
    1. Connections
    2. The Cartesian Partition
    3. The Ancient Greeks
    4. Language
    5. Contradictions
  2. Pauli on Evolution
  3. Jung on Synchronicity
  4. Henri Bergson
  1. A Visit to Albany
  2. War and Peace
  3. Roma
  1. The Vine and the Post
  2. Werner Jaeger
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning and Living
    3. Platonic Paideia
    4. Christian Paideia
    5. Political Paideia
    6. The Sympathy of All Things
  3. Miscellaneous
  1. Cranford
  2. Tocqueville on American Melancholy
  3. Jaeger on Ancient Greece
  1. Jaeger on Ancient Greece: Homer
  2. Miscellaneous
  1. Jaeger on Ancient Greece: Homer
  2. The Trade War
  3. Putnam and Tocqueville
  1. Jaeger on Ancient Greece
    1. Homer
    2. Sparta
    3. Law
  1. Jaeger on Ancient Greece
    1. Lyric Poetry
    2. Solon
  2. Academia
  3. The Inner Oracle
  1. Jaeger on Ancient Greece:
    Pre-Socratic Philosophy
  2. Renaissance and Decadence
  1. Jaeger on Ancient Greece
    1. Theognis and Pindar
    2. Tyrants
  1. Jaeger on Ancient Greece
    1. Aeschylus
    2. Sophocles
  1. Jaeger on Ancient Greece:
    The Sophists
  2. Miscellaneous
  1. What’s Wrong With America?
  2. Jaeger on Ancient Greece: Euripides
  3. The Owl of Minerva
  1. Jaeger on Ancient Greece
    1. Aristophanes
    2. Thucydides
  1. The Parthenon
  2. Heterodox Academy
  3. Brideshead Revisited
    1. A Catholic Novel
    2. “Creamy English Charm”
    3. The Waugh Pattern
    4. A Psychologist Looks At Brideshead
    5. Final Thoughts
  1. Victoria
  2. Andrew Yang
  3. Miscellaneous
  1. Plymouth Colony
  2. Merrymount
  3. Judas in Plymouth
  4. Religious Disputes
  5. New England Ecology
  6. The City on a Hill
  7. Virginia
  8. The Manchurian Candidate
  1. Perry Miller on the Puritans
    1. The Bible
    2. The Hidden God
    3. Anguish
    4. Ecstasy
    5. Sobriety
  2. Scientific Philosophy
  3. Marriage Story
  1. The Franklins
  2. Peter Folger
  3. School Learning
  4. Sects and Seekers
  5. The Mail Bag
  1. “Shtisel”
  2. The Meaning of Life
  3. Theodicy
  4. Perry Miller on the Puritans
    1. Logic
    2. Petrus Ramus
    3. Ramists and Protestants
  1. Island Fiction
  2. What’s Wrong With America?
  3. Roger Scruton
  1. Perry Miller on the Puritans
    1. Nature
    2. Christian Synchronicity
    3. A Rational Being
  2. Yuval Levin
  3. Joseph Bottum
    1. American Music
    2. Christians and Postmoderns
  4. Posterity
  5. Trump
  1. Parasite
  2. Obama and Trump
  3. Ethnic Diversity
  4. Perry Miller on the Puritans
    1. The Nature of Man
    2. The Means of Conversion
  1. The Black Swan
  2. The Dirtbag Left
  3. The Law That Ate the Constitution
  4. Perry Miller on the Puritans
    1. Rhetoric
    2. The Plain Style
  5. “The Jewel in the Crown”
  1. The CoronaVirus:
    5 Reasons For Optimism
  2. Perry Miller on the Puritans:
    The Covenant
  3. Rockwell Kent
  1. The Katz Plan
  2. No Apology?
  3. Larry Brilliant
  4. Thomas Hart Benton
  1. Mansfield on Tocqueville
  2. Mansfield on Trump
  3. Mansfield on Academia
  4. The Shakers
  1. David Quammen & Richard Preston
  2. Andrew Sullivan & Niall Ferguson
  3. Documentaries
    1. Genes
    2. Radio
  4. White Supremacists
  5. Perry Miller on the Puritans:
    The Social Covenant
  1. Perry Miller on the Puritans:
    The Church Covenant
  2. Ravelstein
  3. Galileo Forged
  4. Ibn Khaldun
  5. Miscellaneous
  1. Cells and Viruses
  2. Lord of the Flies
  3. Social Class
  4. Perry Miller on the Puritans:
    The National Covenant
  5. Seven Poetry Readings
  1. Shakespeare’s Sexuality
  2. Shakespeare’s Sonnets
  3. A Dismal Science
  1. John Muir’s First Summer in the Sierra
  2. Ernst Junger
  3. Yogananda
  1. Darwin
    1. Background
    2. The Threshold of a Discovery
    3. What Causes Evolution?
    4. Goethe and Evolution
  2. Movies
  1. The Voyage of the Beagle
  2. Extinctions
  1. Coral Reefs
  2. Ice Ages
  3. Darwin’s Autobiography
  1. Cafeteria Telepathy
  2. A Humanist Motto
  3. A Popular Poem
  1. Napoleon and Hitler
  2. Ferrero on Europe in 1913
  3. An Outline
  4. Foreign Films
  5. A Deep Hole
  1. The Sons of Jocasta
  2. Trump vs. Biden
  1. Trump
  2. The Sons of Jocasta
  1. The 2020 Election
  2. Who Supports Trump?
  1. Films
  2. Election Fraud
  3. Benford’s Law
  1. Into the Inferno
  2. Big Tech
  3. Trump and Micawber
  1. The Count of Monte Cristo
  2. Homeland
  3. Conspiracy Theories
  4. Evolution
    1. Lamarck vs. Darwin
    2. Domesticating Animals
    3. Lyell vs. Lamarck
  5. The Wood Wide Web
  6. Beauty and Evolution
  1. Miscellaneous
  2. Columnists
  3. The American Dollar
  4. Joseph Conrad
    1. A Sketch of His Life
    2. On Russia
    3. On Dostoyevsky
    4. On Germany
    5. Pessimism
    6. Further Reading
  1. Signatures
  2. John Burroughs and Evolution
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. William Dembski and Intelligent Design
  5. Soul
  1. Pareto
  2. Fitzcarraldo and Frevel
  3. Chesterton and Dickens
  4. My Competition
  1. Dickens and John Forster
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Alexander Waugh
  1. Dickens and Poe
  2. Dickens on America
  1. David Copperfield
    1. The Mind of the Heart
    2. The Undisciplined Heart
  1. The Serengeti Rules
  2. Dickens and the Occult
  3. The Occult in David Copperfield
  1. Schopenhauer and Evolution
  2. Videos
  3. Mt. Wachusett
  4. Charlton Ogburn
  5. Biden
  1. Thoreau at Mt. Wachusett
  2. Biden
  3. Taiwan
  4. Substack
  5. Quantum Physics
  1. Agamemnon’s Apology
  2. Hemingway
    1. “The Gambler, the Nun, and the Radio”
    2. “Fifty Grand”
    3. “A Way You’ll Never Be”
  3. France’s Fractures
  4. Walking
  1. Genius
  2. Frugality
  3. Hubris and Nemesis
  4. Greek Terms
  1. Apollo and Dionysus
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. The Gulag Archipelago
  4. How the Earth Was Made
  1. The Grateful Dead
  2. Ideas and Visions
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. Sigurd Olson
  1. Body and Soul in Ancient Greece
  2. Movies
  3. Shelby Steele
  1. Alfred North Whitehead
  2. The Greek Enlightenment
  1. William James and the
    Society for Psychical Research
  2. Plato’s State Religion
  1. Greek Decadence
  2. The Origin of Covid-19
  3. Glenn Loury
  4. John McWhorter
  1. William James
  2. Films
  1. Rian Malan
  2. Andrew Sullivan
  3. Trails and Travels
  1. The Wire
  2. Thomas Sowell
  3. Ukraine
  4. Kierkegaard on Schopenhauer
  5. The Will to Believe
  1. Einstein’s Last Interview
  2. “The Madonna of the Future”
  3. “A Guide to Finding Faith”
  4. Afghanistan
  1. Henry James
    1. “Poor Richard”
    2. “Daisy Miller”
  2. Climate Change
  1. Socrates Goes to Silicon Valley
  2. Videos
  1. William James and Posture
  2. “The Aspern Papers”
  1. William James and Hypnosis
  2. Our Inner Compass
  3. Frevel
  4. William James and Emerson
  1. Ross Douthat on Chronic Illness
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Frevel and Irony
  4. Solstice Stones
  1. Buckminster Fuller
  2. Blue is the Warmest Color
  3. Time Slips
  1. Chekhov’s Gun
  2. “The Lesson of the Master”
  3. Abortion Rights & Gun Rights
  4. Cottom on Scams
  1. Ezra Pound and Henry James
  2. “A London Life”
  3. A Bergson Podcast
  4. Films
  1. “On A Certain Blindness in Human Beings”
  2. “The Lantern-Bearers”
  3. Flournoy
  4. God and the Occult
  5. David Brooks
  6. Fungi
  1. Stevenson’s Fables
  2. #TenTeachings
  1. “Thrawn Janet”
  2. Kennan and Kissinger on Ukraine
  3. Darwin
  4. A Glass of Water
  1. Mearsheimer on Ukraine
  2. “The Pavilion on the Links”
  1. “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”
  1. Standing Stones
  2. What’s Worth Fighting For?
  3. Biden
  4. Films
  1. Connections and Mysteries
  2. Pericles
  1. Pericles
  1. Pericles
  2. Movies
  1. Pericles
  1. Pericles
  1. Pericles
  1. Pericles
  2. Ukraine & Russian Manufacturing
  1. “The Pupil,” by Henry James
  2. Decline and Fall, by Evelyn Waugh
  3. Shelby Steele
  4. The Wood Thrush
  1. Ukraine
  2. Andrea Wulf
  3. Films
  4. The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho
  5. Rossetti
  1. Paired Particles
  2. Star Wars
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. Fraxinus and Abies
  1. “Some Sort of Epic Grandeur”
  2. Karl Polanyi
  3. Lincoln Reconsidered
    1. War Strategy
    2. Lincoln’s Policy of No Policy
    3. Logic on Fire:
      Abolitionism in the 1830s
    4. An Excess of Democracy
  1. The Red Wave That Wasn’t
  2. Class Book
  1. Arthur Koestler
    1. Early Years
    2. College Years
    3. Zionism
    4. Evolution
    5. ESP
  2. C. S. Lewis
  1. Arthur Koestler
    1. Palestine
    2. Paris
    3. Berlin
  1. Films
  2. Graham Hancock
  3. Snyder on Ukraine: Lectures 1-5
  4. Koestler on the History of Science
    1. Putting Things Together
    2. Simultaneous Discovery
    3. Creating and Corroborating
    4. Blind Spots
    5. The Impact of Science on the Humanities
  1. Arthur Koestler
    1. To the Arctic by Airship
    2. Kammerer and Jung
  2. Donald Fleming on Evolution
  3. Tucker
  1. Airy Nothings & Solid Somethings:
    Notes on Modern Physics
    1. A World of Shadows
    2. Complementarity
    3. Physics and the Occult
  2. Paul Kammerer
    1. Lamarck vs. Darwin
    2. Love and Death
    3. The Origin of Species
    4. The Toad Affair
    5. Lamarckism Inconceivable
    6. Lectures in England
    7. The Ink Scandal
  3. Name Change
  1. Into the Abyss
  2. Nietzsche and Shaw
  3. Freud and Periodicity
  4. Snyder on Ukraine: Lectures 6-10
  1. Ukraine
  2. Koestler’s Autobiography
  3. Snyder on Ukraine: Lectures 11-15
  1. Koestler’s Autobiography
    1. A Mystical Experience
    2. The House by the Lake
    3. Meeting Thomas Mann
    4. Darkness At Noon
  2. “A Man and His Dog”
  3. Snyder on Ukraine: Lectures 16-20
  1. Darnton on French Folk-Tales
  2. Abraham Maslow
  3. Films
  4. Snyder on Ukraine: Lectures 21-23
  1. The Cat Massacre
  2. France on the Eve of the Revolution
  3. The Enlightenment Encyclopedia
  4. Rousseau and His Reader
  5. Undermining Democracy
  1. Connections
  2. Jane Goodall
  1. One Hundred Years of Solitude
  2. Hawthorne
    1. “Rappaccini’s Daughter”
    2. “My Kinsman, Major Molineux”
  3. Did Nietzsche Foresee the Holocaust?
  4. NativeAmerican Stones
  1. Ezra Stiles
  2. College Admissions
  3. A Dialogue
  4. Jacques Bainville on the Versailles Treaty
  5. Vonnegut Letter
  6. Miscellaneous
  1. Blue Ormer:
    The Fiction of G. B. Edwards
  2. Kissinger
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. E-bikes
  1. Philip Howard on American Government
  2. Trump’s Classified Documents
  1. Coleridge
    1. A Sketch of His Life
    2. Coleridge’s Anxiety
    3. Goethe and Coleridge
    4. Henry James on Coleridge
    5. The Philosopher
    6. Emerson’s Visit To Coleridge
    7. Coleridge and Zen
    8. Mill on Coleridge
    9. Connections
    10. Two Fundamental Forces
    11. Lovejoy on Coleridge
    12. Fancy and Imagination
    13. Bodkin on Coleridge
    14. Carlyle on Coleridge
    15. Edmundson on Coleridge
    16. Final Thoughts
  2. What’s Wrong With America?
  3. Pollinators
  1. Sports Films
  2. Robert Frost’s “Line-storm Song”
  3. Realms of Gold
    1. Gerald Basil Edwards
    2. Arthur Koestler
    3. Marquez & Coelho
    4. Coleridge
  4. The Summary vs. The Thesis
  5. Xi Jinping
  1. Hamas and Harvard
  2. Thomas Sowell
  1. What Is Philosophy?
  2. Abrams on Coleridge
  3. Coleridge Quote
  4. Hamas and Israel
  5. Past Lives
  1. Appreciation and Accomplishment
  2. Coleridge and Bin Laden
  3. Coleridge and Literary Critics
  4. Films
  1. Coleridge on Genius
  2. Slogans
  3. Fastball
  1. Israel
  2. Is Trump Dangerous?
  3. Serpico
  4. Coleridge and Literary Critics
  5. Coleridge and the Occult
  1. Mansfield and Trump
  2. Coleridge and Ruskin
  1. Coleridge
    1. Youth
    2. Cambridge
    3. Utopian Dreams
    4. Walks with Wordsworth
    5. Travels in Germany
    6. The Journalist
    7. Lyrical Ballads
    8. Opium Addiction
    9. The Talker
    10. Malta and Italy
    11. Imagination and Ecstasy
    12. Love for Asra
    13. The Friend
    14. Dark Night of the Soul
    15. London: Parties and Politics
    16. Lectures 1811-1812
    17. Wordsworth: Triumph and Tragedy
    18. Another Dark Night of the Soul
    19. Resurrection
    20. Highgate
    21. Keats
    22. Hartley and Derwent
    23. Aids To Reflection
    24. Last Years
  2. Films
  1. The Leopard
  2. Jeffrey Meyers on The Leopard
  3. Stendhal and Lampedusa
  4. The Burmese Harp
  5. Biden’s Boys
  6. Ukraine
  7. Feedback
  1. The French Revolution
  2. Kurt Vonnegut
  3. Swamp Kings
  4. Politics
  1. Henri Bergson
  2. Microwave Weapons
  1. Slaughterhouse-Five
    1. Think Up:
      Posture in Slaughterhouse-Five
    2. Native American Stone Structures
    3. Nietzsche and the Affirmation of Life
    4. Vonnegut’s Tears
    5. Math Mistakes
  1. Aristotle
  1. Borges
    1. Politics
    2. Friends
    3. Style
    4. Miscellaneous
    5. Library Work
    6. World War II
    7. Love
    8. The Philosopher
  1. Heidegger
    1. Small-Town Boy
    2. Logic
    3. Existentialism
    4. The Hard Life
    5. Husserl
    6. Life Philosophy (Lebensphilosophie)
    7. Nietzsche
    8. Dilthey
  1. Judaism
    1. Agnon
    2. The Holy Land
    3. Gershom Scholem and Kabbalah
    4. Tradition and Originality
    5. Kabbalah and Philosophy
    6. Law and Prayer
    7. Kabbalah and Language
    8. Stages of Religion
  2. John Burroughs
  3. Carlyle
  1. Jewish History: Abraham to David
  2. Sebastian Junger
  3. Politics
  1. Jewish History
    1. David and Solomon
    2. The Northern Kingdom (Israel/Samaria)
    3. The Southern Kingdom (Judah)
    4. The Babylonian Exile
  1. Jewish History
    1. The Prophets
    2. Return From Exile
    3. The Hellenistic Period
    4. The Jewish Revolt Against the Greeks
    5. A Jewish Civil War
  2. Alexander Waugh
  1. Hilaire Belloc and the Holocaust
  2. Jewish History
    1. Herod, King of the Jews
    2. Three Jewish Revolts Against the Romans
    3. The Sanhedrin and the Patriarch
    4. The Babylonian Academies
    5. The First Jews in Europe
  1. Jewish History
    1. Jews in Christian Europe
    2. Jews in the Islamic World
    3. Jews in Mesopotamia
    4. Jews in Spain
  2. Robert Louis Stevenson
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. Politics
  1. Jewish History
    1. Jews in Western Europe
    2. Halevi and Maimonides
    3. The Crusades
  2. Churchill and the Jews
  1. Coincidence, Synchronicity
  2. Modern History
  3. Jewish History
    1. Social History
    2. Expulsion from England
    3. Expulsion from France
    4. Massacres in Germany
  4. Politics
  1. Jewish History
    1. Expulsion from Spain
    2. Jews in Germany and Italy
  2. Israel
  3. The Road to Serfdom
  1. Jewish History
    1. The Levant
    2. Palestine Resurgent
    3. The Khazars
    4. Poland
  2. Politics
  1. Jewish History: The Ghetto
  2. Movies
  3. The Ballet Theory
  4. Politics
  1. Norman Mailer
  2. Politics
  3. Jewish History
    1. New Communities
    2. Poland
    3. Germany
    4. The Messiah
    5. American Jews
  1. Wittgenstein and Bullshit
  2. Politics
  3. Charles Swann
  4. Miscellaneous
  1. John Winthrop
  2. Films
  3. The Black Tom Explosion
  4. Jewish History
    1. Emancipation and Assimilation
    2. The Rise of Anti-Semitism:
      Germany and France
    3. The Rise of Anti-Semitism: Russia
    4. Jews in Western Europe and the Americas
    5. A Homeland in Palestine
  5. Murder in Manhattan
  1. Salgado
  2. Churchill
  3. Films
  4. Caratunk
  5. Angela Duckworth on Grit
  6. Jewish History
    1. Jews in the Soviet Union
    2. Anti-Semitism After World War I
    3. Palestine After World War I
    4. Jews in Nazi Germany
    5. The Creation of Israel
    6. Recent Wars
  1. The Next Hitler
  2. The Pardon Power
  3. Films
  4. Hemingway
    1. in our time
    2. In Our Time
    3. Ford Madox Ford On Hemingway
  1. Ford Madox Ford
    1. Introduction
    2. The Good Soldier
    3. War
    4. Literary Impressionism
    5. Travel Writers and Nature Writers
    6. Ford on Henry James
    7. Politics
  2. Films
  3. Native American Place Names
  4. Trump