List of Books on Parapsychology



168 С Adler G., ed. "C.C. Jung: letters (v. 1: 1906-1950). "Princeton, 1973, pp.596

169 П АЕ. "The candle of vision". NJ, 1965, pp. 175

170 3 Aksakof A. "Etude sur les materialisation des formes humaines" /1240/

171 С Alien E.W., Lane A.M. "Chronicles of the photographs". London, 1882

172 П Allison P. "Social aspects of scientific innovation". USA, 1973, pp. 223

173 П Amadou R. "La parapsychologie". Paris, 1954, pp. 369

174 П Amadou R. "La telepathic". Paris, 1958, pp. 160

175 3 Anderson R. "Contemporary survival research" /1399/, 12, №5; 1981; sept.-oct.

176 П Angoff A., Barth D., ed. "Parapsychology and anthropology". NJ, 1974, pp. 328

177 3 Angoff A. "Eileen Garrett and the world beyound the senses". NJ. 1974, pp.241

178 П Angoff, Shapin B. "A century of psychical research", NJ, 1971, pp.212

179 П Angoff A., Shapin В., ed. "Parapsycology and the sciences". 1972, NJ, 1974, pp. 289

180 П Angoff A., Shapin B, ed. "Parapsychology today: a geographic view", NJ, 1973, pp. 258

181 П Angoff A., Spahin В., ed. "Psi factors in creativity", NJ, 1970, pp. 220

182 П Angoff A., ed. "The psychic force". NJ, 1970, pp. 345

183 П Ashby R. "The guide book for the study of psychical research". NJ, London, 1972, pp. 157

184 П Atreya В. "An introduction to parapsychology". Benares, 1952

185 Т "Au pays des esprits, ou roman v6cu des mysteres de roccultisme". Paris, 1905

186 3 Axley W. "Angelic revelations"

187 П Backster C. "Evidence of a primary perseption in plant life" /1269/, 10, №4; 1968, pp. 328-348

188 П Bagnall 0. "The origin and properties of human aura". NJ, 1970, pp. 160( - le издание - London ,1937)

189 3 Bailey H. "Le paiys enexplore". 1918

190 3 Baird A. "Case book for survival", London, 1947

191 3 Baird A. "One hundred cases for survival after death". NJ, 1944

192 3 Balfour J. "Le cas du dimanche des Rameane" /1406/, 52, 1960, febr.

193 3 Balfour G. "Psychological aspects of mrs Willett's mediumship", /1406/, 1935

194 3 Balfour G. "The ear of Dionysius"

195 3 Balzac H. "Seraphita". Paris, 1892

196 3 Bander P. "Carry on talking: how dead are the voices?" Engl., 1972, pp. 167

197 3 Banks F. "Frontiers of revelation". London, 1962, pp. 232

198 3 Baraduck. "Mes morts: leurs manifestations"

199 П Barder T. ed. "Advances in altered states of conscioushess and human potentialities". NJ, 1976, pp. 698

200 П Barber Т. "LSD, marichuana, yoga and hipnosis" Chicago, 1970, pp. 337

201 П Barclay G. "Mind over matter", USA, 1973, pp. 142

202 3 Barkas T. "Outlines of modern spiritualism"

203 П Barker I. "Scared to death". London, 1968, pp. 182

204 3 Barrett W. "Death-bed visions". 1926, London

205 3 Barrett W. "On the threshold of the Unseen"

206 3 Barrett W. "Psychical researches". London, 1911

207 П Barren W., Besterman T. "The divining Rod". NJ, 1968, pp. 336 (1е издание - London, 1915)

208 П Barry J. "Journal d'un parapsychologue". France, Evreux, 1971, pp.206

209 П Bartlett G. "The salem seer"

210 П Bastin Т., ed. "Quantum theory and beyond". NJ, 1971, pp.345

211 П Batcheldor К. "Report on a case of table levita-tion" /1357/

212 П Baner E., ed. "Psi and psyche". Stuttgart, 1974, pp. 223

213 П Baum I. "The beginners handbook of dowsing". NJ, 1974, pp.311

214 3 Bayless R. "Animals ghosts". NJ, 1970, pp. 188

215 П Bayless B. /1271/, LIV, №1, 1960, Jan.

216 3 Bazak J. "ludeism and psychical phenomena". NJ, 1972. pp. 144

217 3 Beard P. "Survival of Death: for and against", London, 1965, pp. 172

218 3 Beard P. "The James -John experiment". London, 1973. pp. 43

219 П Beloff I., ed. "New directions in parapsychology". London, 1974, pp. 174

220 П Beloff I. "Psi phenomena: causal versus acausal interpretation" /1383/

221 3 Beloff I. "The existens of mind". London, 1962, pp. 263

222 П Bender H. "Etonnante parapsychologie". Paris, 1977

223 П Bender H. "Parapsychologie: ihre ergebnisse und probleme". Bremen, 1970, pp. 105

224 3 Bender H. "Parapsychologie und spiritismus" /1369/

225 П Bender H. "Telepathic, Hellsehen und Psyhokinese". Munich, 1973, pp. 142

226 П Bender H. "Unser sechster sinn". Schtutgart, pp. 130

227 3 Benezech A. "Les phenomenes psychiques..." Paris, 1911

228 3 Bennet E. "Apparitions" /1244/

229 3 Bennet E. "Apparitions and haunted hoses". London, 1939

230 3 Bennet E. "Twenty Years of psychical research". London, Edinburg, 1904

231 3 Bentley W. "An approach to a theory of survival of personality" /1285/

232 3 Berry Catherine. "Experiences in spiritualism". London, 1876

233 П Bigu J. "A biophysical theory for psi phenomena". /1513/, pp. 22-53

234 3 Binney F. "Were are the deads?"

235 1 Bisson J. "Les phenomenes dits de materialisation" Paris, 1914, pp.311, ill. 165+36

236 П Bjorkhem J. "Det ockulta problemet". Uppsala, 1951, pp. 194

237 3 Black D. "Ekstasy: out of the body esperiences". NJ; 1975

238 П Blackmore S. "Parapsychology and out of the body experiences". /1336/, 49, №778; 1978, dec.

239 П Blackmore S. "SPR 1981 Conference" /1403/ (Бристоль, 1981, апрель)

240 П Blake H. "Talking with horses". NJ, 1976, pp. 172

241 T Blavatskaja H. "Studies in occultism". London, 1974

242 T Blavatskaja H. "Usis unveiled". London, New York, 1886

243 3 Bois J. "Le monde invisible". Paris, 1902, pp.431

244 T Bois M. "Le satanism et la magie". Paris

245 T Bonewits P. "Real magic". NJ, 1971, pp.236

246 П Books R. "My story by Uri Geller". 1975, pp.282

247 П Borgese E. "The language barrier: beasts and man". NJ, 1967, pp. 151

248 П Bowles N. et all.'"Psi search". San Francisco, 1978, pp. 168

30 1 Bozzano E. "Des cas d'identification spirite" /1249/

249 3 Bozzano E. "Phenomenes de "bilocation" /1251/

250 П Bozzano E. "Психическое проникновение и животные" /1245/

251 П Bozzano E. "Telepatie et psychometric" /1252/

252 3 Brackett E. "Materialized apparitions" /1205/

254 П Branston B. "Beyond belief: true tales of psychic phenomena". NJ, 1974, pp. 200

255 П Brand L. & W. Clairvoyance tests" /1513/, pp. 10-21

256 3 Brevior T. "The two worlds"

257 П Brian D. "Jean Dixon: the witnessese", NJ, Garden Sity, 1976, pp.216

258 П Brier B. "Precognition and the philosophy of science". NJ, 1974, pp. 105

259 П BringleM. "Jean Dixon - profetess or fraud?", NJ, 1970, pp. 150

260 3 Britten E. "Modern american spiritualism", London, 1876

261 3 Britten E. "Nineteenth century miracles"

262 3 Broad C. "Identite pesonelle et survie" /1393/, 5, №6, 1958, nov.

263 3 Broad C. "Lectures on psychical research", NJ, 1962, pp. 450

264 П Broad C. "Le reve et quelques-unes des consequences qu'il implique" /1406/, 52, №188, 1959, feb.

265 3 Broad C. "Personal identity and survival". 1958

266 3 Brown S. "The heyday of spiritualism". NJ; 1970, pp. 264

267 3 Browning N. "Peter Hurkos: j have many lives". NJ; Garden sity, 1976, pp. 223

268 П Browning N. "The psychic worlds of Peter Hurkos". Garden Sity, NJ, USA Doubleday, 1970

269 3 Buchanan I. "Antropology"

270 Т Buckland R. "Here is the occult", NJ, 1974, pp. 143

271 П Burr H. "The field's of life". NJ, USA, 1972

272 П Burt C. "ESP and psychology", NJ, 1975, pp. 179

273 П Burt C. "Psychology and psychical research"

274 П Burton M. "The sixth sense of animals", NJ, 1973, pp. 182

275 3 Cede M. "Other world, than ours", 1966

276 3 Cammins G. "Swan on a Black Sea: a study in automatic writings", London, 1965, pp. 214

277 3 Capron. "Modern spiritualism", Boston, 1855

278 3 Carrington H. "Eusapia Paladino and her phenomena".

279 3 Carrington H. "Modern psychical phenomena". NJ, 1919

280 3 Carrington H. "The phisical phenomena of spiritualism", Boston, 1907

281 3 Carrington H. "The story of psychic research". London, 1930

282 3 Carrington H., MeaderJ. "Death: its causes and phenomena". London, 1911, pp.552

283 П CaringtonW. "Matter, mind and meaning". New Heaven, 1949, pp. 257

284 3 Carington W. "The quantitative study of trance personalities" /1406/, 1934-37

285 Т Carrithers W. "One of the world's great Jokers" /1278/

286 П Cavanna R., ed. "Psi favorable states of consciousness", NJ, 1970, pp. 264

287 П Cavanna R., Servadio E. "ESP esperiments with LSD-25 and psilocybin", NJ, 1964, pp. 123

288 П Cavanna R., Ullman M., ed. "Psi and altered States of consiousness", NJ, 1968, pp. 208

289 Т Cavendish R., ed. "Encyclopedia of the unexplained, magic, occultism and parapsychology". NJ, 1974, pp. 304

290 П Cayce H. "Venture inward". NJ, 1964, pp. 227

291 3 Chambers A. "Gosts and hauntings". London, 1973, pp. 144

292 3 Chambers A. "Our life after death". London, 1905, pp. 273

293 Т Chaplin I. "Dictionary of the occult and paranormal". NJ, 1976, pp. 176

294 3 Chari C. "Buried memories in survival research" /1270/

295 3 Chari С. "On quolitative evaluations of mediumistic communications" /1352/

296 3 Chari C. "Paranormal cognition, survival and reincarnation" /1279/

297 П Chari C. "Parapsychological studies and literature in India" /1269/, 2; 1960, pp. 24-35

298 П Chari C. "Precognition, probability and quantum mechanics" /1310/

299 П Chari C. "Quantum measurement, non-Boolean logic and "psi-paradigms" /1525/, 19, 1977, pp. 49-75

300 3 Chari C. "Regurgitation, mediumship and yoga" /1371/

301 3 Chari C. "Thoughtography" /1300/

302 П Cheetham E. "The prophecies of Nostradamus". London, 1973, pp.426

303 П Child I. "Statistical regression artifact: can it be made clear?" /1510/

304 3 Christie K. "Apparitions". London, 1965, pp. 124

305 3 Christopher M. "Mediums, mistics and occult". NJ, 1975, pp. 275

306 С Cienkowcky L. "Beitrage zur Kentniss der Monaden" Archiv fur mikroscop. Anatomic

307 П Clark W. "Chemical exstasy: psychedelic drugs and religion". NJ, 1969, pp. 179

308 П Clark W. at all. "Psychokinesis". NJ, 1973, pp.218

309 П Cleobury F. "The theory of selective telepathy". /1360/

310 3 Coates I. "Photographing the invisible". London, 1911, 1922

311 3 Coates I. "Seeing the invisible". London

312 П Cohen D. "ESP: the search beyond the senses". NJ, 1973, pp. 183

313 П Cohen D. "The magic art of seeing the future". NJ, 1973, pp. 192

314 3 Cohen D. "The world's most famous ghosts". NJ, 1978, pp. 112

315 3 Cohen S. "The beyond within". NJ, 1964, pp. 268

316 П Colaciuri E., Foresty E. "EAP voci paranormale abregistratore - teoria generate e techniche de applicazione" /1378/

317 3 Coleman В. "Spiritualism in America". Reprinted from the "Spiritual Magasine", pp. 87

318 2 Conan Doyle A. "Our american adventure". London, 1922, pp. 205

319 2 Conan Doyle A. "Our second american adventure". London, 1924, pp. 250, ill. 9

320 3 Conan Doyle A. "Pheneas speaks". London, 1927, pp. 216

321 3 Conan Doyle A. "Spiritualism and rationalism".

322 3 Conan Doyle A. "The coming of the faires". London, 1928, pp. 157, with ill.

323 1 Conan Doyle A. "The history of spiritualism". London, 1926, vol. 1- pp. 342, ill-8; vol. 11- pp. 342, ill. 8

324 3 Conan Doyle A. "The Land of mist". London, 1926, pp. 294

77 2 Conan Doyle A. "The new revelation". New York, 1918, pp. 122

325 3 Conan Doyle A. "The mystery of Joan of Arc". London, 1924 (На самом деле автор этой книги - Леон Дени, Конан-Дойль просто перевёл её на англ.яз - прим. webmaster'а)

326 3 Conan Doyle A. "The vital message". London, pp. 288, ill. 4

327 2 Conan Doyle A. "The wandering of a spiritualist". 1921

328 П Cook E. "Research on psychokinesis" /1257/, 7, №3, 1981, July

329 3 Cooper R. "Spiritual experiences". London, 1867

330 П Cornelle A., Gauld A. "The geophysical theory of poltergeist" /1336/, 41, №709, 1961, sept.

331 П Cosgrove M. "Messages and voices: the communication of animals", NJ, 1974, pp. 144

332 П Cox W. "Introductory comparative analysis of some poltergeist cases" /1271/, LV; 1961, pp. 47-72

333 П Cox W. "Note on some experiments with Uri Geller" /1502/, pp. 408-411

334 П Coxhead N. "Mind power". NJ, 1976, pp.256

335 2 Crookall R. "A case book of astral projection". New Lersey, 1972, pp. 160

336 3 Crookall R. "Intimations of immortality". London, 1965, pp. 141

337 2 Crookall R. "Events on the threshold of the after - life". Moradabad, India, 1967, pp.235

338 Т Crookall R. "The interpretation of cosmic and mystical experiences", London, 1969, pp. 175

339 3 Crookall R. "The Jung-Jaffe view of out-of-the body experiences". England, 1970, pp. 134

340 3 Crookall R. "The next world - and the next life". 1966

341 2 Crookall R. "The study and practice of astral projection". London, 1961, pp. 234

342 3 Crookall R. "The supreme adventure". London, 1961, pp. 255

343 2 Crookall R. "What happens when you die". 1978, London, pp. 196

344 1 Crookes W. "Notes sur des recherches faites dans le domaine des phenomenes appeles spirites"

344 1 Crookes W. "Researches in the phenomena of spiritualism", London, 1874

78 1 Crawford. "Experiences in psychical science"

345 3 Crawford. "The reality of psychic phenomena"

346 3 Cummings A. "Immortality proved by the testimony of sense", 1926, pp. 76

347 3 Currie J. "You cannot die". NJ, 1978, pp.288

348 3 Curtiss H. "The realms of the living dead". Philadelphia, 1917

349 Т Curtiss H. "The voice of Isis". Washington, 1926

350 3 D'Assier A. "Ludzkosc posmiertua". Warzawa, 1896, pp. 265

350 3 D'Assier A. "Essai sur 1'humanite posthume"

351 С Davis A. "Harmonial philosophy"

352 С Davis A. "Present age and inner life". 1853

353 С Davis A. "The magic staff"

354 3 Davis A. "The philosophy of death". London, 1876

355 3 Davis A. "The philosophy of spiritual intercourse"

356 С Davis A. "The principles of Nature". 1847

357 Т Day H. "Occult illustrated dictionery". London, NJ, 1976, pp. 156

358 П Dean SM ed. "Psychiatry and mysticism". Chicago, 1975, pp.424

359 3 Dean E. "Survival and its ESP alternative" /1271/, 60, 1966

360 3 Dean D. "Survival research and its ESP alternatives". /1290/

361 П Dean D. at all. "Executive ESP". New Jersey, 1974, pp.290

362 П Dean D., Taetzseh R. "Psi in casino". /1490/

363 2 De Gasparin A. "Les tables tournantes". Paris, 1854

364 3 Delacour I. "Glimpsis of the beyond". NJ, 1974, pp. 216

365 2 Delanne G. "Les apparitions materialisees des vivants et des mortes". Paris, 1.1-1909, pp. 527, ill. 42; t. II, pp. 841, ill. 75

366 3 Delanne G. "Recherches sur la mediumnite'/1242/

367 3 De Mirville J. "Des exprits et des leurs manifestations diverses". Paris, 1863

368 3 De Morgan. "From matter to spirit"

369 3 Denis L. "Dans l'invisible". Paris, 1911

370 П Denton W. "Natures secrets". 1863

371 П Denton W. "The soul of things, or psychometric researches and discoveries". Boston, 1873

372 3 De Rochas A. "Etude sur les changements de personnalite" /1246/

373 3 De Rochas A. "Les fantomes des vivants". /1239/

374 3 De Rochas A. "Les frontieres de la science". Paris, 1904

375 2 De Rochas A. "Les viest successives". Paris, 1911

376 2 De Rochas A. "L'exteriorization de la sensibilite'". /1239/

377 П Devereux G., ed. "Psychoanalysis and the occult". NJ, 1953, pp. 432

378 П Dickinson G. "A case of emergence of a latent memory ander hypnosis". /1426/, pp.455-467

379 П Dingwall E. "Abnormal hypnotic phenomena". NJ, 1968

380 3 Dingwall E. "Very peculiar people". NJ, 1962, pp. 223

381 П Dingwall E., Langdon-Davies J. "The unknown, is it nearer", London, NJ, 1956, pp. 174

382 3 "Discourses through the mediumship of mrs Tappan". London, 1876

383 П DixonJ. "A gift of prophecy". 1965

384 П Dixon N. "Subliminal perception and parapsychology" /1399/, 10, №3, 1979

385 П Dodds E. "Gilbert Murray's last experiments /1406/, 55, №206, 1972, July, pp. 371-402

386 3 Dodds E. "Why I do not believe in survival" /1406/, XLII, 1934, pp. 147-172

387 3 Dommeyer F. "The survival of mental capacities" /1287/

388 П Donnelly K. "The guidebook to ESP and psychic wonders". NJ, 1978, pp. 176

389 3 D'Orino C. 'Echos d'un autre monde". Paris, 1906

390 3 D'Orino C. "Reflets de 1'erracite". Paris, 1906

391 П Douglas A. "Extra - sensory powers: a century of psychical research", NJ, Woodstock, 1977, pp. 392

392 П DrbalK., Rejdak Z. "Perspektivy Telepatie". Praha, Melantrich, 1970

393 П Droscher V. "The misterious senses of animals". NJ, 1965

394 3 Ducasse C. "A critical examination of the belief in a life after death", USA, 1961, pp.318

395 П Ducasse С. "Causality and parapsychology". /1481/

396 3 Ducasse C. /1336/, 41; 1962, pp. 401-406

397 П Dunne J. "An experiment with time". London, 1927

398 П Dunne J. "The serial universe". 1934

399 3 Dunne J. "The new immortality", 1938

400 3 Dunne J. "Nothing dies". 1940

400a П Dunne J., Bisaha J. "Precognitive remote-perseption". In "Research in parapsychology", 1979

401 П Duplessis I. "La vision parapsychologique". Paris, 1974, pp. 159

402 П Dupplessis I., Bardot P. /1439/, №18, 1973, pp. 47- 55

403 Т Dupond E. "Sciences occultes et psychologie psychique". Paris /1243/

404 3 Du Prel K. "La mort, 1'au-dela, la vie dans 1'au-dela". Paris, 1905

58 П Durville H. "Le fantome des vivants". Paris, 1924, pp. 406; ill. 39

405 3 East I. "Man the immortal". London, 1960, pp. 231

406 П Ebin D., ed. "The drug experience". NJ, 1961, PP. 385

407 3 Ebon M. ed. "Communication with the dead", 1968, NJ, pp. 211

408 3 Ebon M. "Paranormal phenomena, science and life after death". 1969

409 П Ebon M. "Prophecy in our time". NJ, 1968, pp. 238

410 П Ebon M. "Test your ESP", NJ, 1971, pp. 141

411 П EbonM. "The amazing Uri Geller". USA, 1975, pp. 168

412 3 Ebon M. "The devil's bride. Exorsism: past and present". NJ, 1974, pp.245

413 3 Ebon M. "The evidence for life after death". NJ, New Jersey, 1977, pp. 177

414 3 Ebon M. "The satan trap". NJ, Garden Sity, 1976, pp. 276

415 П Ebon M. "They knew the unknow". NJ, 1971, pp. 285

416 3 Edge H. "Do spirits matter? Naturalism and desimbodied survival". /1323/

417 3 Edmonds I. "Letters and tracts on spiritualism". London, 1876

418 3 Edmonds I. "Spiritualism". 1853, 1854, 1866

419 3 Edmonds I. "What is death?" London, 1876

420 П Edmunds S. "Miraecles of the mind". USA, 1965, pp. 204

421 3 Edmunds S. "Spirit photography". London, 1965

422 П Edsall F. "The world of psychic phenomena". NJ, 1958, pp.244

423 П Ehrenwald I. "New dimensions of deep analysis". London, 1954, pp. 316

424 П Ehrenwald I. "Psi phenomena and the existential self" /1306/

425 П Ehrenwald. "The ESP experience". NJ, 1978, pp. 308

426 П Eisenberg H. "Inner spaces: parapsychological explorations of the mind". Don Mills, Ontario, Canada, 1977, pp. 184

427 П Eisenbud I. "A transatlantic experiment in precognition with Gerard Croiset" /1312/

428 П Eisenbud I. "Observations on a possible new thoughtographic talent" /1327/

429 П Eisenbud I. "Paranormal foreknowledge". NJ, USA, 1981

430 П Eisenbud I. "Psi and psychoanalisis". London, NJ, 1970, pp. 359

431 П Eisenbud I. "Some unusial data from a session with Ted Series" /1293/

432 3 Eisenbud I. "The case of Florence Marryat" /1320/

433 3 Eisenbud I. "The dilemma of the survival data" /1310/

434 П Eisenbud I. "The Series "blaikies" and related phenomena" /1310/

435 П Eisenbud I. "The world of Ted Serios".NJ, 1967, pp. 367

436 П Eisenbud I. "Two camera and television experiments with Ted Serios" /1304/

437 П Eisembud I. "Two experiments with Ted Serios" /1296/

438 3 Elbe'L. "La vie futur devant la sagesse antique et la science moderne". Paris, 1905, pp. 404

439 П Elliot I. "Dowsing - one man's way", 1977

440 3 EIIis D. "Listening to the "Raudive voices" /1376/

441 3 Ellis D. "The mediumship of tape recorder". London, 1978, pp. 161

442 П Ellis K. "Prediction ond prophecy". NJ, 1973, pp. 192

443 3 Ellison A. "Mind, belief and psychical research" /1406/, 56, №211, 1978, may, pp. 236-249

444 П Ellwood G. "Psychic visits to the past". NJ, 1971, pp. 176

445 3 Emsley I. "The trouble with thallium". "New scientist", 1978, aug. 10

446 С Engelman T. "Beitrage zur physiuologie des protoplasm"

447 3 "Entretiens postumes du philosophe Pierre de Beranger, dit Abaillard". Paris, 1906

448 3 Epes Sargent. "The scientific basis in modern spiitualism". Boston, 1881

449 П Ermacora G. "La telepatia". Padova, 1898, pp.150

450 П Ermacora G. "Telepathic dreams experimentally induced" /1413/

451 3 Erny M. "Le medium Daniel Duglas Home" /1242/

452 3 Erny M. "Le psychisme experimental" /1239/, /1240/

166 1 Esperance E. "Au pays de 1'ombre". Paris, 1899

166 1 Esperance E. "Schadow Land or light from the other side". London, 1898

453 3 Farmer I.S. "Twixt two worlds". London, 1886

454 3 Feifel H. "New meanings of death". NJ, 1977, pp. 367

455 3 Findlay S. "Immortal longings". London, 1961, pp. 192

456 П Feola J. "PK: mind over matter". Minneapolis. 1975, pp. 175

457 3 Ferguson M. "The brain revolution". NJ, 1973, pp. 380

458 3 Figuier L. "Le lendemain de la mort". Paris, 1872, pp. 412

459 3 Fielding E., Baggulay W., Carrington H. "Report on a series of sittings with Eusapia Paladino" /1406/, 23, 1909, pp. 309-369

460 3 Fielding E. "Sittings with Eusapia Paladino and other

studies", NJ, 1963, pp. 324

154 П Flammarion C. "L'inconnu et les problemes psychiques", Paris, pp. 585

461 1 Flammarion C. "Les forces naturelles inconnues". Paris, 1907, pp. 609, ill.

462 П Flammarion C. "Previsions personnelles de morts et de guerisons ponctuellement realisees" /1251/

463 3 Flew A. "A new approach to psychical research". London, 1953, pp. 158

464 3 Flew A. "Is there a case for disembodied survival" /1310/

465 3 Flournoy T. "Esprits et mediums". Paris, 1911

466 2 Flournoy T. "From India to the planet Mars: a study of a case of somnambulism with glossalalia", NJ, 1963, pp. 457

467 3 Flournoy T. "Spiritism and psychology". London, New York, 1911

468 П Focht M. "Ehrenfels "explanation of prophecy" /1456/, 14/ №3, 1950, sept.

469 П Fodor N. "Encyclopedia of psychic science", 1933

470 T Fodor N. "Freud, Jung and occultisme". NJ, 1971, pp. 272

471 П Fodor N. "Mind over space". NJ, 1962, pp.221

472 П Fodor N. "On the trail of the poltergeist". NJ, i^sf pp. 222

473 П Forman I. "The mask of time". London, 1978, pp. 256

474 3 Fornell E. "The unhappy medium". Austin, Texas, 1964, pp. 204

475 П Forwald H. "Mind, matter and gravitation". NJ, 1970, PP.72

476 3 Fotherly H. "L'ether, vehicle de la consience subliminale" /1246/

477 П Fox О. "Astral projection". NJ, 1963, pp. 160

478 П Frazier K. ed. "Paranormal borderlands of science". Buffalo, USA, 1981

479 Т Freedland N. "The occult explosion". NJ, 1972, pp. 270

480 П French C. "A case of apparent ESP in a dog" /1459/

481 П FukuraiT. "Clairvoyance and thoughtography". London, 1931

482 П Fuller T. "Arigo, surgeon of the rusty knife". London, 1975, pp.274

483 П Gaddis V. & M. "The strange world of animals and pets". NJ, 1970, pp. 243

484 Т Galbreath R. ed. "The occult: studies and evaluations". USA, 1972, pp. 126

485 Т Ganquelin M. "Cosmic influences on human behavior". NJ, 1973, pp. 286

486 Т Garret E. "Isis very much unveiled"

487 3 Garrett E. "Many voices: the autobiography of a medium". NJ, 1968, pp. 242

488 3 Garrett E. "My life as a search for the meaning of mediumship", 1938

489 3 Gauld A. "A series of "drop in" communicators" /1406/, 55, №204, 1971, July

490 3 Gauld A. "The founders of psychical research". NJ, 1968, pp.367

491 3 Gauld A. "The super-ESP hipotesis". /1406/, 53, 1961, pp. 226-246

492 П Gauld A., Cornell A. "Poltergeists". London, Routledge&Kegan, pp. 420, ill. 8

493 2 Geley G. "Correspondances croisese" /1253/

494 П Geley G. "De 1'inconscient au conscient". Paris, 1919, pp. 346

495 П Geley G. "Genese et signification des phenomenes metapsychiques"

496 П Geley G. "La physiologic dite supranormale"

497 2 Geley G. "L'ectoplasmie et la clairvoyance". Paris, 1924, pp.441, ill. 154

498 П Geller U. "Uri Geller: my story". NJ, 1975, pp. 282

499 3 Gerloff H. "Das medium Carlos Mirabelli, eine kritische untersuchung" /1523/, №5, 6, 1960, sept., oct., nov.

63 2 Gibier P. "Materialisations de fantoms" /1241/

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502 П Girard I. "L'effet G.: la science face au PSI". Paris, 1981, pp.286 (биография сенситива; его ПК")

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508 3 Goodrich-Freer A. ("MissX"). "Essays in psychical research". London, 1899

509 3 Goodwin L. "Forty years of spiritualism", NJ, 1973, pp.48

510 П Grad B. "Paranormal healing and life energy". /1257/, 7, №4, 1981, oct.

511 3 Graham D. "The practical side of reincarnation". NJ, 1976, pp. 210

512 3 Grassetl. "Spiritisme devan la science" /1243/

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514 3 Greaves H. "The dissolving veil" /1364/

515 3 Greeley A. "Death and beyond". Chicago, 1976, pp. 144

516 3 Green C. "Ecsomatic experiences and related fenomena" /1336/, 44, №733, 1967. sept.

517 П Green С. "Lucid dreams". Oxford, 1968, pp. 194

518 3 Green C. Out of the body esperiences". Oxford, 1968, pp. 142

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522 3 Greenhouse H. "The astral journey". NJ, 1975, pp. 336

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524 П Gregory C., Kohsen A. "Physical and psychical research". England, 1954, pp. 213

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529 3 Grof S., Halifax J. "The human encounter with death". USA, NJ, 1978

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532 3 Guirdham A. "Obsession". London, 1973

533 3 Guirdham A. "Fout in both worlds". London, 1974, pp. 221

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535 П Guarino S. "Telepatia, di ieri, di oggi, di domani". Napoli, 1972, pp. 271

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537 П Gyel E. "L'etre subconscient". Paris, 1905

538 С Haberland G. "Das reizende gewebe der Sinupflanze". Leipzig, 1891

539 Т Haining P. "The magicians: the occult in fact and fiction". NJ, 1973, pp. 219

540 П Hall E. "Possible impossibilities: a book of parapsychology". Boston, 1977, pp. 169

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543 3 Hallam I. "The ghosts who's who". London, 1977, pp. 157

544 3 Hamilton M. "Is survival a fact?". London, 1969, pp. 160

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546 П Hammond S. "We are all healers". NJ, 1974, pp. 296

159 П Hansel C. "ESP: a scientific evaluation". NJ, 1966, pp. 263

547 3 Hapgood C. "Voices of spirit". NJ, 1975, pp. 336

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549 3 Hardinge E. "Modern american spiritualism". NJ, 1970, pp.565 (1е издание - 1870)

550 С Hardy A. "The biology of god". London, 1975, pp. 238

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43 1 Hare R. "Experimental investigation of the spirit manifestations". NJ, 1885

554 3 Harlow R. "A life after death", NJ, 1961, p. 264

555 П Hart H. "ESP projection". /1271/, 48, 1954, pp. 121-146

556 3 Hart H. "La controverse sur la survie". /1389/, LXXVIII, №3437, 1958, dec.

557 3 HartH. "Six theories about apparitions". /1406/, 1956, may

558 3 Hart H. "The enigma of survival". London, Spriengfield, 111., 1959, pp. 286

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560 3 HartH. /1336/, 39; 1958, pp. 314-323

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562 П Hasted I. "An experimental study of the validity of metal-bending phenomena" /1381/

564 П Haynes R. "The seeing eye, the seeing I: perseption sensory and extra sensory". London, 1976, pp. 224

565 3 Head I., Cranston S. "Reincarnation: un eastwest anthology". NJ, 1961, pp.341

566 3 Head I., Cranston S., ed. "Reincarnation: the phoenix fire mistery". NJ, 1977, pp. 620

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573 П Heywood R. "The sixth sense". London, 1959, pp. 224

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575 3 Heywood R. /1336/, 46; 1971, pp. 213-217

576 3 Hick J. "Death and eternal life". NJ, 1976, pp.495

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579 3 Hintze N., Pratt G. "The psychic realm: what can you believe?". NJ, 1975, pp.269

580 П Hirst R. "The problems of perseption". London, NJ, 1959, pp.330

581 П Hitching F. "Dowsing - the psi connection". Garden Sity, 1978, NJ, pp.306

582 П Holroyd S. "PSI and the consciousness explosion", NJ, 1977, pp.235

583 П Holzer H. "The hand book of parapsychology". USA, 1972, pp. 169

584 3 Home D. "Incidents in my life". Secaucus, 1972, pp. 288

585 2 Home D. "Les limieres et les ombres du spiritualisme". Paris, 1883, pp. 278

586 3 Home D., madame. "D.D. Home, his life and mission". London, 1888

587 3 Home D., madame. "The gift of D.D. Home". London, 1890

588 П Hudson W. "A hind in Richmond park". NJ, 1968, pp. 330 (1е изд.- London, 1923)

589 С Houdini. "Miracle Mongers and their methods". Buffalo, USA, 1981, pp.240

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591 3 Hudson Thomson. "A scientific demonstration of the future life". 1896

592 3 Hudson Thomson. "The law of psychic phenomena". Chicago, 1895

593 3 Hullell G. "Facts and fancy in spiritualism, theosophy and psychical research". Cincinnati, 1901, pp.208

595 П Huson P. "How to test and develop your ESP". NJ, 1975, pp.215

596 2 Huxley A. "Heaven and hell". New York, 1955

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598 П Huxley A. "Themes and variations". NJ, 1950, pp. 272

599 3 Huxley I. "Aldous Huxley. 1894-1963". NJ, 1965

600 3 Hyslop I. "A case of histeria". /1405/, 5, NJ, april 1911

601 3 Hyslop J. "Ce q'uest la vie apres la mort". /1242/

602 2 Hyslop J. "Enigmas of psychical recearch". London, 1907

603 3 Hyslop J. "La mediumnite de m-m Smead" /1246/

604 3 Hyslop J. "Le cas Thompson" /1405/, 1910, также /1250/

605 1 Hyslop J. "Science and a future life". Boston, 1905, London, 1906

606 3 Hyslop J. "The life after the death

607 3 Hyslop J. "Visions of the dyings"

608 3 Iacobsen N. "Life without death?". London, 1974, pp. 339

609 П Iensen A., Watkins M. "Franz Anton Mesmer". NJ, 1967, pp. 253

610 3 Imoda H. "Photographies de fantomes". /1252/

611 3 Inglis B. "Natural and supernatural". London, 1977, pp. 490

612 3 Ionas D. "Other senses, other worlds". NJ, 1978, pp.240

613 3 Iswarananda Swami. "Does the soul reincarnate?" /1354/

614 3 Iverson I. "More life then one?" 1976, pp. 192

615 3 Jackson H. "The spirit rappers". NJ, 1972, pp.226

616 3 Jacolliot L. "Le spiritisme dans le monde". Paris, pp. 364

617 3 Jaffe A. "Apparitions and precognition". NJ, 1963, pp. 214

618 П Jaffe A. "From the life and work of C.G. Jung".NJ, 1971, pp. 137

619 П Jahn R., ed. "The role of consiosness in the phisical world". Boulder Colo, USA, 1981, pp. 136

620 3 Jastrow J. "Fact and fable in Psychology". London, 1901, pp. 375, ill.

621 3 Jastrow J. "La subconcience". Paris, 1908, pp.380

622 П Johnson A. "Coincidences" /1415/

623 3 Johnson A. "On the automatic writing of mrs Holland" /1423/

624 2 Johnson D. "Interview" /1430/, 1971, 2, №4

625 П Johnson K. "The living aura. Radiation field

photography and the Kirlian effect", NJ, 1975, pp. 178

626 3 Johnson R. "The imprisoned splendour". London, NJ, 1953, pp. 424

627 П Jung C. "Synchronicity, an acausal connecting principle" /628/

628 П Jung C., Pauli W. "The interpretation of nature and psyche". Part I-/627/; Part II-/839/. NJ, London, 1955, pp. 247

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630 3 Kaestenbaum P. "Is there an answer to death?". NJ, 1976, pp. 212

631 П Kahn S. "Studies in ESP: experiments utilizing an electric scoring device" /1405/, 25; 1952, oct.

69 П Karagulla S. "Breakthrough to creativity". Calif., USA, 1971

632 3 Kardec A. "Genesis". 1867

633 3 Kardec A. "Heaven and Hell". 1865

634 3 Kardec A. "Le livre des esprits". Paris, 1857, pp. 176

635 3 Kardec A. "Spiritism, reduces to its simplest expretion".

636 3 Kardec A. "The gospel as explained by spirits". 1864

70 3 Kardec A. "The medium book". 1861

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640 3 Keen M. "The psychic mafia". NJ, 1976, pp. 177

641 3 Keller W. "Was gestern nach als wunder gait". Zurich, 1973, pp. 416

642 3 Kelsey M. "Afterlife: the other side of dying" /1335/

643 3 Kelsey M. "Tongue speaking". NJ, 1964, pp. 252

644 П Kilner W. "The human aura". London, NJ, 1965, pp. 307

645 П KHnckowstroem C. "Some comments on the controversy regarding dowsing rods" /1480/

646 С Klip W. "An experimental approach to the

interpretation of the quantum theory". /1336/, 44, №734, 1967, dec.

647 П Kmetz I. "A study of primary perception in plant and animal life" /1326/

648 П Kneal M., Robinson R., Mundle C. "Simposium: is psychical research relevant to philosophy?". London, 1950

649 П Knight D. "Poltergeist: hauntings and the haunted". USA, Phila, 972, pp. 159

650 П Koestler A. "lanus: a summing up". NJ, 1978, PP. 354

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654 П Kankeleit O. "Instinkt und Hellsehen". /1391/, 1959

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656 П Kraft D. "Portrait of a psychic healer". NJ, USA, 1981, pp. 187

657 П Kreitler H. & S. "ESP and cognition". /1501/

658 П Kreitler H. & S. "Subliminal perception and ESP". /1499/

659 П Krippner S., ed. "Advances in parapsychological re­search. Vol. 1. Psychokinesis". NJ, 1977, pp.235

660 П Krippner S. "Advanses in parapsychological research: ESP". NJ, 1978, pp. 308

661 П Krippner S. "Song of the siren: a parapsychological odyssey". NJ, 1975, pp.311

662 П Krippner S., Honorton C. "Hypnosis and ESP performance". /1300/

663 П Krippner S., Rubin D., ed. "The energies of consciousness". NJ, 1975, pp. 244

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665 П Krishna G. "Higher conscionsness, the exolutionary thrust of Kundalini". №1, 1974, pp. 198

666 3 Kubler-Ross E. "Death - the final stage of growth". NJ, 1975, pp. 181

667 2 Kubler-Ross E. "Questions and ansvers on death and dying". NJ, 1974, pp. 177

668 П La Barre W. "They shall take up serpents". USA, 1962, pp.208

669 3 Lambert G. "D.D. Home and the physical world". /1380/

670 П Lancaster E. "Images mentales" /1521/, 7, №2, 1959

671 3 Lancelin C. "L'au-dela et ses problemes".

672 П Lang A. "The fire walk". /1416

673 П Lang A. "The poltergeist" /1418/

674 П La Patra J. "Healing: the earning revolution in holistic medicine". NJ, 1978, pp. 235

675 П Larcher H. "Parapsychochimie de la devination". /1439/, 1951

676 П Larcher H., Ravignant P. "Les domaines de la Parapsychologie", Paris, 1972, pp. 254 (обзор)

85 3 Leadbeater C. "The other side of death"

677 Т Leaf W. "A modern priestess of Isis"

678 3 Le Clair R., ed. "The letters of W.James and T. Flournoy". USA, 1966, pp. 252

679 3 Lee L. "Death and beyond in the eastern perspective". NJ, 1974, pp. 100

680 3 Leek S. "Reincarnation: the second chance". NJ, 1974, pp. 262

681 П Le Shan L. "Alternate realitites". London, NJ, 1976, pp. 232

682 Т Le Shan L. "How to meditate". Boston, 1974, pp. 210

683 3 Le Shan L. "The medium, the mystic, and the phisicist". NJ, 1974, pp. 299

684 П Le Shan L. "Toward a general theory of the paranormal". NJ, 1969, pp. 112

685 3 "Les psychoses mediumniques". /1524/, II, №2-3, 1958-59

686 3 Lethbridge T. "Ghost and ghoul". NJ, 1962, pp. 156

687 Т Levi E. "Histoire de la magie".

688 Т Levi E. "La clef des grands mysteres"

689 Т Levi E. "La science des Esprits". Paris, 1865, pp. 507

690 Т Levi E. "Le grand Arcane du 1'occultisme devoile". Paris, 1898, pp. 393

691 3 Lewis H. "Persons and life after death". NJ, 1978, pp. 197

692 П Ligeoix de la Comble. "La troisieme guerre mondiale, d'apres les predictions de Nostradamus". Bordeaux, 1962, pp. 488

694 3 Litvag I. "Singer in the shadows: the strange story of Patience Worth". NJ. 1972, pp. 293

91 1 Lodge О. "Raymond or life and death". London, 1919, pp. 403, ill. 18

695 1 Lodge O. "The survival of man". London, 1911, pp. 357

696 3 Lodge O. /1426/, pp. 113-175

697 П Logan D. "The anatomy of prophecy". NJ, 1975, pp. 172

698 2 Lombroso C. "Hypnotisme et spiritisme". Paris, 1910, pp. 308

699 П Long L., ed. "Extrasensory ecology: parapsychology and anthropology". NJ, Metuchen, 1977, pp. 427

700 3 Long M. "The secret science behind miracles". Vista, Canada, 1954

701 Т Lowell P. "Occult Japan". Boston, 1894

702 П Loye D. "The knowable future: a psychology of forecasting and prophecy". NJ, 1978, pp. 202

703 П Ludwig I., ed. "Philosophy and parapsychology". Buffalo, 1978, pp. 454

704 П Lyttelton E. "Some cases of prediction". London, 1937

705 3 Lytton R. "A strange story". London, 1901, pp. 537

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708 3 Me Adams E., Bayless R. "The case of life after death". Chicago, USA, 1981, pp. 157

709 3 Me Cabe I. "Spiritualism: a popular history from 1847". 1920

710 П McConnell R. "ESP curriculum guide". NJ, 1971, pp. 128

711 П McConnell R. "Parapsychology and physicists". /1505/

712 П McConnell. "Parapsychology and the occult". /1314/

713 3 Mac Dougall W. "Body and mind: a history and a defence of animism". London, 1911, pp.384

714 3 Me Craw W. "The world of the paranormal". NJ, 1969. pp.205

715 3 Me Hargue G. "Facts, frauds, and phantasms". NJ, 1972, pp. 296 (a survey of the spiritualist movement)"

716 3 MacKenzie A. "A gallery of ghosts". London, 1972, pp. 160

717 3 Mk. Kenzie A. "Apparitions and ghosts: a modern study". London, 1970, pp. 180

718 П MacKenzie A. "Frontiers of the unknown". London, 1968, pp. 208

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722 П Maddock P. "London parascience conference, 1978". /1399/, 10, №3, 1979

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724 3 Maeterlinck M. "La mort". Paris, 1913, pp.272

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726 П Mann W. "Orgone, Reich and Eros". NJ, USA, 1973

727 П Manning M. "The Link". 1975

728 П Margenau H. "ESP in the framework of modern science" /1290/

729 3 Marryat F. "There is no death". London, 1891

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731 П Mason O. "Telepathy and the subliminal self. New York, 1897, pp. 343

732 П Masters R., Houston J. "The warieties of psychedelic experience". London, 1973, pp. 326

733 3 Matson A. "The waiting world: or what happens at death". NJ, London, 1975, pp. 146

734 С Mattews G. "Bird navigation". England, Cambridge, 1955, pp. 141

735 П MauskopfS., Me Vaugh M. "The elusive science".

Baltimore, USA, 1980, pp.368

736 2 Maxwell J. "Les correspondances croisees et la methode experimentale" /1427/

737 Т Meade M. "Madam Blavatsky: the woman behind the myth". /1335/

738 3 Medhurst R. at all. "Crookes and the spirit world". London, NJ, 1972, pp.250

739 П Meek G., ed. "Healers and the healing process". USA, 1977, pp. 304

740 П Merloo J. "Hidden communion". NJ, USA, 1964, pp.118

741 П Meseguer P. "The secret of dreams". 1961, pp.232

742 3 Metzger D. "Essai de spiritisme scientifique" /1239/

743 П Michaux H. "Light through darkness". NJ, 1963, pp. 230

744 П Mishlove I. "Psi "development systems: structures and

strategies". /1403/

744a П Mishlove I. "The roots of conscionsness". 1977. A

Random Housebookworks book.

745 П Mitchell E. "An ESP test from Apollo 14" /1493/

746 П Mitchell at all. "Psychic exploration: a challenge for science". NJ, 1974, pp. 708

747 П Mitchell T. "The appreciation of time by somnambules". /1422/

748 П Moberly C., Jourdain E. "An adventure". London, 1955, pp. 127 (1е изд. 1911)

749 2 Monroe R. "Journeys out of the body". NJ, Garden Sity, 1977, pp. 280

750 П Moncrieff M. "The clairvoyant theory of perseption". London, 1951, pp.315

751 П Montandon H. "Psychophysiological aspects of the Kirlian phenomenon". /1325/

752 П Montgomery R. "A gift of prophecy". NJ, 1965, pp. 182

753 3 Montgomery R. "A world beyond". NJ, 1971, pp. 210 104 1 Moody R. "Life after life". USA, Atlanta, 1975, pp. 125

754 3 Moody R. "Reflections on "Life adter Life". 1977, NJ, pp. 148

755 3 Moore E. "Try the spirits". NJ, 1977, pp. 117

756 3 Moore G. "Survival - a reconsideration". 1966

757 3 Moore R. "In search of white crows". NJ, 1977, pp. 310

758 3 Moore W. "Glimpses of the next state".

759 3 Moore W. "The voices".

760 3 Morranier J. "Au seuil de verite, mes communications avec le monde invisible". Paris

761 П Morris R. "Psi and animal behavior". /1304/

762 П Morris R., ed. "Perspectives in psychical research"

763 3 Morris R. at all. "Studies of communication during out-of-body experiences". /1271/, LXXII, №1, 1978, jun.

764 3 Morris R. "Survival: parapsychology's toughest question?" /1492/

765 3 Morse J. "Concerning the spirit - world". London, 1876

766 3 Morselli H. "Eusapia Paladino et la realite des phenomens mediumniques". /1247/

767 3 Morselli H. "Psychologic et spiritisme". 1907

768 П Morton B. "Record of a haunted house". /1411/, 8, pp. 311-322

769 3 Moses S. "Human Nature". 1875

770 2 Moses S. "Researches in spiritualism".

103 2 Moses S. (Oxon M.A.). "Spirit teachings".

771 3 Moss P. "Ghosts over Britain". London, 1977, pp. 173

772 П Moss T. "The probability of the impossible". Los Angeles, 1974, pp. 410

773 П Mott E. "Beautiful Jim Key: biography of a clever horse". NJ, 1972, pp. 135

774 3 Muhl A. "Automatic writing". NJ, 1963, pp. 186

775 3 Muldoon S., Carrington H. "The projection of the astral body". London, 1956

776 С Muller A., Acri M. "Death: a bibliographical guide". NJ, 1977, pp. 420

777 П Murphy G. "Are there any solid facts in psychical research?" /1302/

778 3 Murphy G. "Body - mind theory as a factor guiding servival research". /1286/

779 3 Murphy G. "Challenge of psychical research". NJ, 1961, pp.297

780 П Murphy G. "The discovery of gifted sensitives". /1298/

781 3 Murphy G. "Three papers on the survival problem". /1279/

782 3 Murphy G., Ballon R., ed. "William James on psychical research". NJ, 1960, pp. 338

783 П Murphet H. "Sai Baba, man of miracles". London, 1973

784 П Myers F. "Esqis of the theory of psychic force". /1244/

785 2 Myers F. "Experiences de W. Stanton Moses". /1239/

785 2 Myers F. "The experiences of W. Stanton Moses" /1412, 1413/

786 1 Myers F. "Human personality and its survival of bodily death". London, 1913; NJ, 1961, pp.416

787 3 Myers F. "On recognised apparitions, occyring more than a year after death". /1410/

788 3 Myers F. "Resolute credility". /1413/

789 П Nash C. "Science of psi, ESP and PK". USA, Springfield, 1978, pp. 299

790 П Naumov E., Vilenskaya L. "Bilbiography of parapsychology and related problems". Alexandria. Va, USA, 1981, pp. 171

791 П Nestler V. "La telepatia". Rome, 1974, pp.209

792 3 Neubourg C. Fantomes et maisone hantees". Paris, 1959

793 П Neuhauser A. "Telepathie, Hellsehen, Praekognition". Munich, 1957

794 3 Newland C. "My self and I". NJ, 1962, pp. 288

795 3 Nickols T. "A biography of the brothers Davenport" London, 1864

796 3 Noeggerath R. "La survie". Paris, 1907

797 П Nolen W. "Healing: a doctor in search of a miracle". NJ, 1974, pp. 308

798 С Noll F. "Ueber heterogene Induktion". Leipzig, 1892

799 2 Ochorowicz J. "Les rayons rigides et les rayons Xх" /1236, 1249, 1250/

800 3 Ochorovicz J. "Mediumistic Phenomena". /1300/

801 3 Oesterreich T. "Possession: demoniacal and other". 1921

802 П Olander A. "Telekinetic experiments with A. Melloni" /1351/

803 3 Olkott. "People from the other world". 1972, pp. 492

804 П Omez R. "Psychical research". NJ, 1958, pp. 144

805 П Orme J. "Time, experience and behavior". NJ, 1969, pp. 189

806 П Osborn A. "The future is now". NJ, 1961, pp. 254

807 3 Osborn A. "The meaning of personal existence". London. 1) 1966, pp.214. 2) 1970, pp.224

808 П Osborn A. "The superphysical". NJ, 1974, pp. 350

809 2 Osis K. "Assacin's shadow disrupts experiment". /1257/, 7, №3, 1981, July

810 1 Osis K. "Deathbed observations by physicians and nurses". NJ, 1961, pp. 113

811 3 Osis K. "Linkage experiment with mediums". /1289/

812 1 Osis K. "Pilot study of death - bed observation of doctors and nurses" /1361/

813 T Osis K. "Quelques explorations sur les techniques des sourciers". /1271/, LIV, №4, 1960, oct.

814 1 Osis K.,Mc Cormick D. "Current ASPR research on out of-body experiences". /1257/, 6, №4, 1980, octob.

815 1 Osis K., Mc Cormick D. "Kinetic effects of the ostensible location of an out-of-body projection during perseptual testing" /1271/, LXXIV, 1980, pp. 319-329

816 1 Osis K., Haraldsson E. "At the hour of death". NJ, 1977, pp. 244

817 1 Osis K., Haraldsson E. "Deathbed observations by physicians and nurses: a cross - cultural survey". /1327/

818 П Osis K. at all. "ESP over distance". /1307/

819 П Ostrander S., Schroeder L. "Handbook of psi discoveries". NJ, 1974, pp. 342

820 П Ostrander S., Schroeder L. "Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain". New Jersey, 1970, pp. 443

821 П Ostrander S., Schroeder L. "The ESP papers: scientists speak out from behind the Iron Curtain". NJ, 1976, pp. 236

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823 П Osty. "Sur les pouvoirs inconnus de 1'esprit sur la matiere". 1932

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830 3 Owen G. "The life beyond the veil". 1947


П Owen G., Sims V. "Science and the spook". London, 1971, pp.218

832 1 Owen J., Sparrow M. "Conjuring up Philip: an adventure in psychokinesis". Ontario, Canada, 1977, pp.217

833 3 Owen R. "Footfalls on the boundary of another world". Panati CM ed. "The Geller papers". Boston, 1976, pp. 317

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114 Т Papus. "Traite elementaire de science occulte".

837 П Parker A. "States of mind: ESP and altered states of consciousness". NJ, 1975, pp. 198

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839 С Pauli W. "The influence of archetypal ideas on the scientific theories of Kepler". /628/

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842 С Penfield W. "The mystery of the mind". Princeton, 1975, pp. 123

843 Т Pelley W. "Seven minutes in Eternity", 1929

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845 3 Piddington J. "A series of concordant automatism". /1423/

846 3 Piddington J. "On the types of fenomena displaed in mrs Thompson's trance". /1421/

847 3 Pieper I. "Death and immortality". NJ, 1969, pp. 144

848 3 Pike J. "The other side". NJ, 1968, pp.398

849 3 Plaifair G. "The indefenite boundary". NJ, 1976, pp. 320

850 3 Platts J. "The witness". 1920

851 П Pleasants E. "Biographical dictionery of parapsychology". NJ, 1963, pp. 371

852 С Pleffer W. "Pflanzen physiologic". 1903, w. I und II

853 П Podmore F. "Apparitions and thought transference" London, 1894

854 3 Podmore F. "Modern spiritualism". London, 1902

855 3 Podmore F. "Studies in psychical research". London, 1897, pp.458

856 П Podmore F. "Telepathic hallucinations". London, 1909, pp. 128

857 П Pierce F. "RSPK phenomena, observed independently by two families". /1312/

858 3 Polanyi M. "Personal knowledge". London, 1958

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860 П Pollack I. "Croiset G. the clairwoyant". NJ, 1964, pp. 318

861 С Porphyry. "On sacrifices to gods and daemons"

862 3 Powelll. "Spiritualism".

863 П Poynton J., ed. "Parapsychology in South Africa". Johannesburg, 1975, pp. 163

864 П Pozwolsky A. "Telepathy and electromagnetic theory". /1354/

865 П PrattJ. "A decade of research with a selected ESP subject". /1405/, 30, 1973, sept.

866 П Pratt J. "ESP research today", NJ, 1973, pp. 195

867 П Pratt J. "Extrasensory perseption after sixty years". Boston, 1966

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869 П Pratt J. "Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain". /1271/, LXV, №1, 1971, Jan., pp. 88-102

870 П Pratt J., Roll W. "The Seaford disturbances". /1479/

871 П Price H. "A mescaline experience". /1282/

872 С Price H. "Essays in the philosophy of religion". NJ, 1972, pp. 125

873 3 Price H. "Mediumship and human survival". /1483/

874 П Price H. "Paranormal cognition and simbolism". /1389/, 80, 1960, pp. 53-60

875 П Price H. "Parapsychology and human nature". /1482/

876 П Price G. "Science and supernatural". "Science", 1955, aug. 26

877 П Priestley I. "Man and Time". London, NJ, 1964, pp. 319

878 П Priestley I. "Over the long high wall: some reflection and speculation on Life, Death and Time". London, 1972, pp. 142

879 П Prince W. "Human experiences". Boston, 1931

880 П Prince W. "Notes witnesses for psychic occurences". Boston, 1928

881 3 Prince W. "The case of Patience Worth". Boston, 1929

882 П "Proceedeings of four conferences of parapsychological studies". NJ, 1957 (1954-56)

883 П "Proceedings of the first international conference of parapsychological studies". NJ, 1955, pp. 166, (Utrecht, 1953)

884 П "Proceedings of the second international congress on psychotronic research (Monte Carlo, 1975), Toronto, pp. 464

885 С Proctor R. "Our place among infinities". London, 1897, pp. 288

886 П Progoff I. "Jung, synchronicity, and human destiny". NJ, 1973, pp. 176

887 3 Progoff I. "The image of an oracle". NJ, 1964, pp. 372

888 П Pucharich A. "URI: a Journal of the mystery of Uri Geller". NJ, 1974, pp.288

889 П Puthoff G., Targ R. "Psychic research and modern physics".

890 П Qvarnstrom B. "Parapsychologi". Stockholm, 1959, pp. 368

891 П Rae J. "The Alqonquin experiments: the reality of PK". Canada, Ontario, 1978, pp. 154

892 П Randall J. "Parapsychology and the nature of Life". London, 1975, pp. 256

893 П Randall J. "Psi fenomena and biological theory". /1367/

894 П Randi J. "The magic of Uri Geller". NJ, 1975, pp. 308

895 3 Randolf Pascal Beverly. "After death". London, 1876

896 П Rane C.G. "Psychology as a natural science applied to the solution of occult psychic phenomena". Philadelfia, 1889

897 П Rao R. "Experimental parapsychology". USA, 1966, pp. 255

898 П Rao R. "Psi cognition". India, Tenali, 1957, pp. 179

899 П Rao R., Puri I. "Subsensory perseption (SSP), ESP and transcendental meditation (TM)". /1268/, 1, 1978, pp. 69-74

900 1 Raudive K. "Breakthrough: an amazing experiment in electronic communication with the dead". 1971, pp. 391

901 3 Rauscher W., Straggett A. "Arthur Ford: the man who talked with the dead". NJ, 1973, pp. 301

902 3 Rauscher W., Straggett A. "The spiritual frontier". NJ, 1975, pp. 204

903 П Regush N., ed. "Frontiers of healing". NJ, 1977, pp. 309

904 П Reichbart R. "Navajo hand trembler". /1324/

905 П Reichenbach K. "The odic force: letters on od and magnetism" NJ, London, 1968, pp. 119 (1е издание - 1852)

906 П Reichenbach К. "Phisico-physiological researches"

907 П Reichenbach C. "Les phenomenes odiques". Paris

908 3 Reid H.A. "Unseen faces photographeted". Los Angeles, 1901

909 3 Remolds J. "Ghosts in american houses". NJ, 1955, pp. 229

910 П Rejdak Z. "Telepatie a jasovidnost". Praque, 1970

911 3 Reyes B. "Scientific evidence of the existence of soul". USA, 1970, pp. 259

912 П Rhine J. "Extrasensory perseption". Boston, 1935

913 П Rhine J. "New world of the mind". NJ, 1953, pp. 339

914 П Rhine J. "Progress in parapsychology". Durham, USA, 1971, p. 313

915 3 Rhine J. "Research on spirit survival re-examined". /1475/

916 П Rhine J. "Telepathy and human personality". /1461/

917 П Rhine J. "Telepathy and other intestable hypotesis". /1500/, pp. 137-153

918 Rhine J. "The reach of the mind". London, 1948

919 Rhine J., Brier R., ed. "Novas perspectives da parapsicologia". Sao Paulo, pp. 251

920 П Rhine J., Brier, ed. "Parapsychology to day". NJ, 1968, pp.286

921 П Rhine J., Pratt J. Parapsychology: frontier science of the mind" USA, ill., Spriengfield, 1957, pp. 222

922 П Rhine L. "ESP in life and lab". NJ, 1967, pp. 275

923 П Rhine L. "Handbook of parapsychology"

924 П Rhine L. "Hidden channels of the mind". NJ, 1961, pp. 292

925 П Rhine L. "Mind over matier - psychokinesis". NJ, 1970, pp. 402

926 П Rhine L. "Parapsychology and man". /1494/

927 П Rhine L. "Precognition and intervention". /1470/

928 П Rhine L. "Psi: what is it?". NJ, 1975, pp.247

929 3 Rhine L. "The possibility of proving survival". /1336/, 28, 1933-34, pp. 35-45

930 П Rhine L. "The psi process in spontaneaus cases". /1508/

931 П Ribbero R. "Telepathic communication". Proc. IRE, 39, 1951, p. 290

932 2 Richet C. "De quelques phenomenes dits de materialisation". /1245/

933 3 Richet C. "Thirty years of psychical research"

934 1 Richet C. "Traite de metapsychique". Paris, pp. 843; ill. 30

935 2 Richet C. "Xenoglossie". /1245/

936 3 Ring K. "Life at death: a scientific investigation of the near-death experience". NJ, 1980, также [1385]

937 3 Roberts E. "Fifty years medium". NJ, 1972, pp. 224

938 3 Roberts I. "The after death journal of an amercan philosopher", NJ, New Lersey, 1978, pp. 241

939 3 Robertson J. "Spiritualism"

940 П Robinson D. "To stretch a plank. A survey of psychokinesis". Chicago, 1981, pp. 277

941 С Rodrigues G. "La perte de poids du corps humain, en rapport de respiration". "Revista magnetologica", Bouenos-Aires, Jan. 1907

942 3 Rodriguez L. "God bless the devil". NJ, 1962, pp. 256

943 П Roll W. "Some physical and psychological aspects of a series of poltergeist phenomena" /1296/

944 П RoIl W. "The Newark disturbances". /1299/

945 П Roll W. "The problem of precognition". /1336/, 41, №709, 1961, sept.

946 П Roll W., ed. "Proceeding of the parapsychological association". Durham, 1972, (№6, 1969)-112 pp., (№7, 1970) -133pp.

947 П Roll W. at all. "Proceedings of the parapsychological association". 1968, №5. /1491/

948 П Roll W., Morris R. & J., ed. "Proceedings of the parapsychological association, №7, 1970". Durham, 1972

949 П Roll W., Morris R. & J., ed. "Proceedings of the parapsychological association, №8, 1971". Durham, 1972, pp.206.

950 П Roll W., Morris R. & J., ed. "Research in parapsychology". New Jersey, 1974, pp. 249

951 П Roll W., Morris R. & J., ed. "Research in parapsychology, 1975". NJ, 1976, pp. 277

952 П Roll W., Morris J. & R., ed. "Research in parapsychology, 1976", NJ, Metuchen, pp. 285

953 П Roll W., ed. "Research in parapsychology". NJ, 1978, pp. 271

954 П Roll W., PrattJ. "The Miami disturbances". /1308/

955 П Rose К. "In the land of the mind". NJ, 1975, pp. 265

956 Т Rosenfeld E. "The book of highs: two handred and fifty ways to alter consciousness without drugs". NJ, 1973, pp.273

957 П Ruderfer M. "Telepathy and the quantum". Proc. IRE, 40, 1952, p. 1734

958 С Ruderfer M. "Phasor-neutrino theory of electromagnetism" "Electronics Power", 1965, may, pp. 164-165

959 3 Ruitenbeek H. "Death: interpretations". NJ, 1969, pp. 286

960 3 Rundall E. "The dead have never died".

961 3 Russell E. "Ghosts". London, 1970, pp. 168

962 3 Ryall E. "Born twice: total recall of a seventeenth century life". NJ, 1974, pp. 214

963 3 Ryall E. "Second time round". Jersey, 1975, pp. 215

964 П Ryzl M. "ESP: experiments which succeed". USA, Cal., 1976, pp. 212

965 П Ryzl M. "Parapsychology - a scientific approach". NJ, 1970, pp. 216

966 3 Sage M. "Coup d'oeil sur 1'etat actuel du psichisme". Constantinopole, 1911

967 3 Sage M. "La zone frontiere entre "L'autre monde" et

selui-si". Paris, 1902

132 3 Sage M. "Mistris Piper et la societe anglo-americaine des recherches psychiques". Paris

968 3 Salter W. "Ghosts and apparitions". London, 1938

969 3 Salter H. "The history of G. Valiantine". /1406/, 40, 1932, pp. 363-412

970 3 Salter W. "Zoar, or the evidence of psychical research, conserning survival". London, 1961, pp.238

971 3 Salter W. "Trance mediumship: an introductory study of mrs Piper and mrs Leonard". 1962

972 П Sandweiss S. "Sai Baba, the holy man and the psichiatrist", USA, Cal., San Diego, 1975

973 П Sargent C. "Exploring psi in the ganzfeld". NJ, 1980, pp. 124

974 3 Sargent Epes. "The proof palpable of immortality"

975 С Saunders D., Harkins R. "UFO's yes!", USA, 1968

976 3 Schutzman M. "The story of Ruth", NJ, USA, 1980, pp. 306

977 П Schjelderup H. "Det skjulte menneske". Oslo, 1962, pp. 275 978 3 Schmeidler G. "An experimentalist's approch to survival research" /1286/

979 П Schmeidler G. "Extra sensory perception". NJ, 1969

980 3 Schmeidler G. "Interview". /1430/, 1972, т. 3, №4

981 П Schmeidler G., ed. "Parapsychology: its relation to physics, biology, psychology and psychiatry". USA, NJ, 1976, pp.278

982 П Schmeidler G., Me Connell R. "ESP and personality patterns". London, New Heaven, 1958, pp. 136

983 П Schmidt H. "Mental influence on random events". "New scientist and Science Journal". 50, №757, 1971, June; pp. 757-758

984 П Schmidt H. "PK effect on pre-recorded targets". /1323/

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986 П Schmidt H. "Toward a mathematical theory of psi". /339/

987 Т Schopenhauer. "Memoires sur les sciences occultes". Paris

988 1 Schrenck-Notzing A. "Materialisations - Phaenomene". Munchen, 1923, pp. 636, ill. 275

989 П Schriven M. "Personal identity and parapsychology". /1172/

990 П Schul В. "The psychic power of animals". USA, 1977, pp. 223

991 П Schulman A. "A Baba", NJ, 1971

992 П Schwartz B. "Parent-child telepathy". NJ, 1971, pp. 241

993 С Schwartz I. "The transport of substances innerve cells". /1443/, T. 242, №4, april 1980, pp. 122 - 135

994 П Schwartz S. "The secret vaults of time: psychic archeology". NJ, 1978, pp.370

995 3 Scott Rogo D. "Aspects of out of the body experiences". /1380/

996 3 Scott Rogo D. "An experience of phantoms". NJ, 1974, pp. 214

997 3 Scott Rogo D. "A study of some unusual "otherworld" experiences". NJ, 1970, pp. 176

998 П Scott Rogo D. "Mind and motion". NJ, 1978, pp.271

999 3 Scott Rogo D. "Mind beyond the body". NJ, 1978, pp. 365 1000 3 Scott Rogo D. "NAD: a psychic study of the "music of the spheres". Secaucus, USA, 1973, pp. 169

1001 П Scott Rogo D. "Parapsychology: a century of inquery". NJ, 1975, pp. 319

1002 П Scott Rogo D. "Parapsychology at the АРА" /1403/

1003 3 Scott Rogo D. "Phantoms". 1976, pp. 214

1004 П Scott Rogo D. "Psychotherapy and the poltergeist". /1375/

1005 П Scott Rogo D. "The haunted universe". NJ, 1977, pp. 168

1006 3 Scott Rogo D. "The welcoming silence". NJ, 1973, pp. 191

1007 П Stelair D. "The psychic world of California". NJ, 1972, pp. 323

1008 П Shafer M. "PK metal bending in a semi-formal small group" /1257/, 7, №3, 1981, July

1009 П Shamos M. "Remarks on the neutrino cimmunication system". Proc. IRE, 41, 1953, p. 1060

1010 П Shapin В., Coly L. "Education in parapsychology". NJ, 1976, pp. 313

1011 П Shapin В., Cply L., ed. "Psi and states of awareness". NJ, 1978, pp. 278

1012 П Shapin В., Coly L., ed. "The phylosophy of parapsychology". №3, 1977, pp. 295

1013 Т Shepard L., ed. "Encyclopedia of occultism and parapsychology". Detroit, 1978. Vol. 1-pp. 544, vol. II- pp. 540

1014 П Sherman H. "Wonder" healers of the Philippines". London, 1967, pp.328

1015 3 Shneidman E. "Voices of death". /1335/

1016 3 Sibley M. "Life after death?". Minneapolis, 1975, pp. 159

1017 3 Sidgwick E. "Mrs Piper's trance phenomena . /1406/.28, 1915, pp.657

1018 2 Sidgwick E. "Phantasms of the living". NJ, USA, 1962,

pp. 993

1019 П Sidgwick H. "Report on the census of hallucinations". /1406/, 10, 1894

1020 3 Sidis В., Goodhart P. "Multiple personality". London, 1905. Также /1420/

1020a П Sinclair U. "Mental Radio", 1962. Предисловие А. Einstein'a

1021 Т Sinnett A. "The occult world". London, 1906, pp. 194

1022 П Sinott E. "Cell and psyche, the biology of purpose . USA, North Carolina, 1950

1023 П Smith A. "Power of mind". NJ, 1975, pp. 418

1024 П Smith E. "Psychic people". NJ, 1968, pp. 194

1025 2 Smith G., ed. "The letters of Aldous Huxley". London, 1969, pp. 992

1026 П Smith G. "Time alive: J.W. Dunne and J.B. Priestley". /1477/

1027 3 Smith S. "Confessions of a psychic". New York, 1971

1028 П Smith S. "ESP". NJ, 1962, pp. 189

1029 П Smith S. "ESP and hypnosis". NJ, 1973, pp. 253

1030 3 Smith S. "Life is forever", NJ, 1974, pp. 256

1031 3 Smith S. "The book of James". NJ, 1974

1032 3 SmithS. "The enigma of "out of the body travel". NJ, 1965, pp. 189

1033 3 Smith S. "The mediumship of mrs Leonard". NJ, 1964, pp. 254

1034 П Smith S. "The power of the mind". Rednor, Pa, 1975, pp. 294

1035 3 Smith S. "The unseen Universe".

1036 3 Smyth F. "Ghosts and poltergeist". NJ, 1976, pp. 144

1037 Smythe R. "How the animals talk". USA, 1962, pp. 109

1038 3 Smythies J., ed. "Brain and mind". NJ, 1965, pp. 272

1039 П Smythies J., ed. "Science and ESP", (сборник статей). London, 1967, pp.306

1040 П Soal S., Goldney K. "Experiments in precognitive telepathy". /1406/, 47, 1942, pp. 21-150

1041 3 Spedding F. "Conspects of survival". /1376/

1042 Т Spence L. "Encyclopedia of occultism". 1920

1043 П Soal S., Bateman F. "Modern experiments in telepathy". New Heaven, 1954, pp. 425

1044 Т Somerlott R. "Here, mr Splitfoot: an informal exploration into modern occultism". NJ, 1971, pp. 311

1045 3 Somerville R. "Does тдп have a soul?". London, 1968, pp.112 1046 П Sonnet A. "The Twilight Zone of dreams". NJ, 1961, pp. 230

1047 3 Spraggett A. "The case for immortality: the story of life after death". NJ, 1974, pp. 154

1048 П Staff V. "Remembered on waking". London, 1975, pp. 148

1049 П Stanford R. "Cognitive constraints and ESP performance". /1403/

141 3 Stead W. "Letters from Julia". London, 1897, pp. 188

1050 3 Stead W. "Borderland". NJ, 1970, pp.344 (1е изда­ние - 1897)

1051 П Stearn J. "Edgar Coyce - the sleeping prophet". NJ, 1967, pp. 280

1052 П Steiger B. "Psychic city Chicago". Garden Sity, 1976, pp. 186

1053 3 Stemman R. "Spirits and spirit world". NJ, Garden Sity. 1976, pp. 142

1054 3 Stevens D. "Recueil d'opinions sur les conditions dans 1'autre monde" /1389/, LXXX, №3443, 1960

1055 П Stevens W. "The mystery of dreams". NJ, 1949

1056 3 Stevenson J. "A communicator anknown to medium and sitters" /1302/

1057 3 Stevenson I. "Are poltergeist living or are they dead? /1311/

1058 1 Stevenson I. "Cases of reincarnation type, Volum II". USA, 1977, pp. 373

1059 1 Stevenson I. "Cases of reincarnation type. Vol. Ill, Twelve cases in Lebanon and Turkey". Charlottesville, 1980, pp. 384

1060 3 Stevenson I. "Gardner Murphy's proposal for new evidence of survival after death". /1257/, VI, NJ, 1980, January

1061 1 Stevenson I. "India, cases of reincarnation. Ten cases of India". USA, Charlottesville, 1975

1062 1 Stevenson I. "Les preuves de la survie, tirees de souvenirs pretendus de precedentes incarnations". /1271/, LIV, №1, 1960, Jan.

1063 П Stevenson I. "Precognition of disasters". /1303/

1064 3 Stevenson I. "Some comments on automatic writing". /1330/

1065 3 Stevenson I. "Survival and embodiment". /1310/

1066 1 Stevenson I. "Telepatic impressions: a review and report of 35 new cases". Charlottesville, 1970, pp. 198. Также /1405/, 29, 1970, June.

1067 3 Stevenson I. "The analysis of a mediumistic session by a new method". /1297/

1068 1 Stevenson I. "Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation". 1974, pp.396. Также /1405/, 26, 1966, sept.

1069 3 Stevenson I. "Xenoglossy". Charlottesville, 1974, pp.268, также /1405/, 31

1070 П Stevenson I. /1271/, LIV, №4, 1960, oct. pp. 153- 171

1071 3 Stevenson I. /1257/, 6, №2, 1980, apr.

1072 3 Stone C., Browning N. "Les pouvoirs de I'esprit". Paris, pp. 317

1072 3 Stone С., Browning N. "The other side of the mind". Chicago.

1073 П Stuckert F. "August 1999". NJ, 1978, pp. 164

1074 Sudre R. "Parapsychology". NJ, 1960, pp.412 (перевод с французского)

1075 П Sudre R. "Traite de parapsychology". Paris, 1956, pp. 493

1076 П Surbled. "Spirites et mediums". Paris, 1901

1077 3 Suringar J. /1336/, 21, 1923, pp. 170-175

1078 3 Swann J. "Starfire". NJ, 1978, pp.314

1079 П Swann I. "To kiss Earth good-bye". NJ, 1975, pp. 245

1080 3 Tabori P. "Pioneers of the unseen". NJ, 1972, pp. 245

1081 П Tabori P., Phyllis R. "Beyond the senses. A report of psychical research in the sixties". NJ, 1972, pp. 218

1082 3 Tamburini A. "Spiritualismo e telepatia". "Rivista sperimentale di freniatria edi medicina legale". т. XVIII, august 1892

1083 3 Tanner A. "Studies in spiritism". London, 1910 1084 П Targ R., Puthoff H. "Mind-reach: scientists book of psychic ability". NJ, 1977, pp. 230

1085 П Tart C., ed. "Altered states of consciousness". London, 1969, pp. 575

1086 П Tart C. "Concerning the scientific study of the human aura". /1336/, 46/ №751, 1972, march

1087 П Tart C. "Psi: scientific studies of the psychic realm". NJ, 1977, pp. 241

1088 П Taylor J. "Super-minds". 1975, pp. 177

1089 3 TaylorR., ed. "Witness from beyond". NJ, 1975, pp. 152

1090 П Tenchaeff W. "Hellsehen und telepatie". ФРГ, 1962, pp. 190

1091 П Tenhaeff W. "Introduction into parapsychology". Utrecht, 1948

1092 3 Tenhaeff W. "Kontakte mit dem Jenseits? Der spiritismus report". Berlin, 1974

1093 П Tenhaeff W. "Premonition (De voorschouw)". The Hague, 1961

1094 П Tenhaeff W. "Telepathic en Helderziendheid". Autwerpen, 1958, pp. 157

1095 П Tenhaeff W. "Telepathy and clairvoyance". Zeist. 1960, 1962, 1972, pp. 190

1096 П Tenhaeff W. "War predictions". The Hague, 1948, pp. 271

1097 П Thakur S. "Philosophy and psychical research". London, NJ, 1976, pp. 215

1098 П "The psychedelic reader"-(сборник)-NJ, 1965, pp. 260

1100 3 Thomas C. /1336/, 33, 1945, pp. 134-156

1101 3 Thomson R. "The proofs of life after death". London

1102 П Thouless R. "Experimental psychical research". London, NJ, 1963, pp. 148

1103 П Thouless R. "From anecdote to experiment in psychical research", Boston, 198pp. London, 1972, pp. 193

1104 3 Thouless R. "Theories about survival". /1386/

1105 П Thouless R. "Thought transference and related phenomena". /1463/

1106 2 Thury. "Les tables parlantes". 1855

1107 3 Tietze T. "Margery". NJ, 1973, pp.201

1108 Т Tiryakian E., ed. "On the margin of the visible". NJ, 1974, pp. 364

1109 Т Tischner R. "Einfuhrung in den okkultismus und spiritualismus". 1921

1110 Т Tischner R. "Ergebnisse okkulter forchung". Stuttgart, 1950

1111 3 Toeqnet R. "Phenomenes de mediumnitee". Paris, 1959

1112 3 Toksvig S. "Swan on a black sea". London, 1965, pp. 168

1113 3 Toynbee A at all. "Man's consern with death". London, 1968, pp. 280, NJ-1969

1114 С Trench В. "Secret of the ages - UFO's from inside the Earth". London, 1974

1115 П TrevinoC. "Introduccion a la parapsicologia". Mexico, 1976, pp. 79

1116 3 Tuckett I. "The evidence for the supernatural". London, 1911

1117 П Turvey V. "The beginning of seerchip". London, 1911

1118 П Tuttle H. "Arcana of Nature". 1862

1119 3 Tuttle H. "Arcana of spiritualism". 1871 1120 3 Twigg E., Brod R. "Eva Twigg medium". London, 1973, pp. 295

1121 3 Tyrrell G. "Apparitions". London, NJ, 1953, pp. 172; также /1123/

1122 П Tyrrell G. "Science and psychical phenomena". 1938

1123 П Tyrrell G. "Science and psychical phenomena and apparitions". NJ, 1961, pp.379

1124 3 Tyrrell G. "The nature of human personality". London, 1954, pp. 122

1125 П Ullman M., KrippnerS. "Dream studies and telepathy". NJ, 1970, pp. 119

1126 П Ullman M., Krippner S., Vaughan A. "Dream telepathy". NJ, London, 1973, pp.300

1127 3 Underbill L. "The missing link in modern spiritualism". New York, 1885

1128 3 Underwood P. "Gazetteer of Scottish and Irish ghosts". London, 1973, pp. 252

1129 П Underwood P. "Hauntings". London, 1977,

pp. 255 ИЗО П Uphoff W. and M. "Mind over matter". Oregon, Wise,

USA, 1980, pp.256

1131 П Van de Castle R. "ESP through hipnosis". /1430/, 1972, 3; NJ, pp. 14-17

1132 3 Van DusenW. "The presence of other worlds". NJ, 1974, pp. 240

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